It keeps updating itself.

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It keeps updating itself.

Post by Norenala »

Hello guys,

I'm new one here, so I'll get to the point right away. I've installed WoW + TBC + 2.4.3 patch.
Also, I've changed realmlist to :

set realmlist
set patchlist

but still I get that uploading thing every time I try to log in. Any help?

Thanks in Advance.


Edit: I kept reding trough the posts and found :

"Also this will help you get past it hopefully, go to your WoW installation and go into the WTF folder, open the FILE and add: SET realmName "Smolderforge" ".

I did as it says, but now I get some sort of a msg wich tells me "invalid game version"
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Elfinidia »

Yeap there is a solution in your problem.

So lets see.

If i am not mistaken you are using the Blizzard's luncher thats why everyday starts to update.

So what you need to do is.
Go to your wow folder.

Normally C:/Program Files/World Of Warcraft
(If you are using windows 7 it might be in Program Files(x86) )

In there you will see the normal luncher and another icon similar to the icons luncher but with the name
wow.exe(maybe its just wow and .exe is written in the addition infos)

Send this icon to your Desktop as a shortcut and name is "Smolderforge TbC Pro Server"(Haha xD)

There you go :)

See you in-game :D

Oh oh and correct your realm-list

you need only :set realmlist
you DONT need the patchlist thing.
Game Master - Wrath In-Game Support
Posts: 10

Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Norenala »

Yeah, I've done that too :) realmlist is done also. It keeps updating when i wrtine acc name and pass , and then press enter to log. That's when it starts DL-ing :)
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Elfinidia »

Try to rename your World Of Warcraft Folder located in the Program Files to
Game Master - Wrath In-Game Support
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Norenala »

Well, one problem less I guess :) Now it's "unable to validate game version" :s

I'm sorry, I know I'm taking you a lot of time, but I rly need a hand here. As I said, DL-ed everything, patched and it's 2.4.3 . realmlist is also done. Dunno what's going on .
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Elfinidia »


That message pops up when you are trying to log in a realm and its version is lower or higher than yours.

Hmmm this is really weird.

Did you used our torrent+TBC+Patches ?
Game Master - Wrath In-Game Support
Posts: 10

Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Norenala »

Yeah. I also tried few other server. Same problem pops up. What about that wtf folder?
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Henhouse »

I can only imagine this happening if you incorrectly saved the Can you verify it's "" and you didn't accidentally save it like "" because it would not work then.

Also setting the patchlist would prevent you from patching, so something is wrong there. Make sure you're editing the realmlist in the root World of Warcraft directory. Only Wrath has it in the /Data/ folder.
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Norenala »

Ok, I've deleted everything, DL-ed WoW from ur torrent, installed the whole thing once again. It's still that anoying msg :s I can do some SS to show u if you want.
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Re: It keeps updating itself.

Post by Endania »

Norenala wrote:Ok, I've deleted everything, DL-ed WoW from ur torrent, installed the whole thing once again. It's still that anoying msg :s I can do some SS to show u if you want.
Post the screenshot please, would help alot (hopefully).
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