Might be a bug or a joke.

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Posts: 2

Might be a bug or a joke.

Post by warriarbg »

I will just get to the point. I went to The Henry to get a present like I always so and I got Warglaive of Azzinoth. Here is a pic that I made to show you that I actually did. Image
So I was happy and all, but when I opened my bags, it wasn't there... and if you think I would through it and just do this thing and waste my time, I don't think that I would want to do that. And here is proof that I don't have it.Image
I am completely sure that I clicked Okay. By the way, this is another account that I made, because for some reason my other one just doesn't want to sign in. I typed everything correctly and it didn't want to sign it. Please help. If you need any more info, please tell me.
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Re: Might be a bug or a joke.

Post by Lord »

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Re: Might be a bug or a joke.

Post by Mayore »

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Re: Might be a bug or a joke.

Post by Henhouse »

Yes, it is a joke. We've never allowed Warglaives on the server, so we tease players each year with this. Originally it was useless items, but this year I made you able to equip them.

If you had hovered over the item, you would have noticed it said "South Seas UNUSED" at the top. This is like the Legendaries from Tempest Keep. That means they are bound to that zone, so if you leave, the item disappears. That way players can't go and use them.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 2

Re: Might be a bug or a joke.

Post by warriarbg »

I see. Well, thanks for the info. I was like, holy dingus! Me gots coo itam! Well, you can delete this post if you want.

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