New Armory Issues
Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 16:48
Hi there.
First of all gj on the changes you made lately but nevertheless I'd like to report some issues with the armory that I immediately sumbled upon due to the 3D model (which I enjoy alot though because I like having something visual in the armory).
First of all and a rather minor issue is the hairstyle which doesn't seem to fit the actual ingame one.
Same goes for face or other customizeable character creation option as far as i can tell but again just a minor issue that doesnt really bother me.
Something that also affects the 3D model is the transmogrifikation which shows as actual equip which is intended i guess and should be kept but the name of the transmogrified item is also displayed in the list which I think is an issue.
I for example always checked the armory when i was't sure what's behind the transmogrification and what im dealing with.
My suggestion is to maybe implement another tab for "Transmogrified to" or something simliar to be able to see both at the same time just likek the official Blizzard armory gives provides a way to see both.
Gems and enchants aren't displayed either. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep the old armory until the new has been completed.
Best regards
First of all gj on the changes you made lately but nevertheless I'd like to report some issues with the armory that I immediately sumbled upon due to the 3D model (which I enjoy alot though because I like having something visual in the armory).
First of all and a rather minor issue is the hairstyle which doesn't seem to fit the actual ingame one.
Same goes for face or other customizeable character creation option as far as i can tell but again just a minor issue that doesnt really bother me.
Something that also affects the 3D model is the transmogrifikation which shows as actual equip which is intended i guess and should be kept but the name of the transmogrified item is also displayed in the list which I think is an issue.
I for example always checked the armory when i was't sure what's behind the transmogrification and what im dealing with.
My suggestion is to maybe implement another tab for "Transmogrified to" or something simliar to be able to see both at the same time just likek the official Blizzard armory gives provides a way to see both.
Gems and enchants aren't displayed either. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep the old armory until the new has been completed.
Best regards