From my extensive testing in now appears that cheap-shot is not effected by stun-resist talents.
Against a Tauren warrior with 15% talented stun resistance I tested 65 stuns, alternating between two cheap-shots and a kidney shot.
Out of the 65 stuns, there was only one resist, against the Kidney shot.
Next I tested a Feral druid with 15% stun resist from talents. Out of 38 tests, there was only one stun resist, again to a single kidney shot. This means that out of 103 tests, not a single cheapshot was resisted.
So it appears that Cheapshot is either not counting as a standard stun or it is not effected by stun resistance talents.
It would also seem that the resistance chance produced by these talents is statistically too low. This is running a large number of tests against kidney shot. It would be worthwhile testing to see if these talents are scaling with ranks porperly.
Cheapshot bugged
Re: Cheapshot bugged
Makes you wonder how many other chance-reducing talents don't work. Or just talents in general
Re: Cheapshot bugged
Currently I am testing as many of them as possible. The fear chance reduction talents do seem to be working.
Retired Developer.
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