Hunter Bug Compilation
Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 13:25
Hi all, first of all wanted to say im glad that i found such a fantastic server like Smolderforge! It is really awesome, nice orientation to users necesities even a barber shop in BC!
Ok now let's go for the Hunter's Bugs i found, i know there are some posted in the hunter's bug section but i wanted to put them better explained. Also english is not my main language so don't be too much hard!
Well it acts strange, cause when u throw it, the target doesn't seem to stand around the place too much. It usualy makes between 1-2 moves in 2 diferent directions but sometimes it goes too far from the place i throw it initially. This makes trapping barely impossible.

They take their tame to take effect, i have seen to many awful things like a people jumping around and even forward the trap without it taking effect. The most curious part is that if i put the trap and feing death like vanilla style it takes instant effect!

Yea it summons cute snakes but, wait, the don't do anything! only following the target :D

- Pets sometimes go trough walls, terrain or whatever...
- In BG when u die and ress, the pet doesn't resurrect, u have to call him and ress by yourself
- When u make scatter shot, serpent sting, trap or those CC effects pet still attacks the target
- Pet talents points reset everytime i teleport or logout of the game making us able to put all
the skills of the game in the pet, excepting the no same family ones.
Okey, this is what i have found so far. If i see something new i will post it here. Also i wanted people to say the ones if they knew them or know that one of the posted above are not bugs!
Hope u understand,
Ok now let's go for the Hunter's Bugs i found, i know there are some posted in the hunter's bug section but i wanted to put them better explained. Also english is not my main language so don't be too much hard!

Well it acts strange, cause when u throw it, the target doesn't seem to stand around the place too much. It usualy makes between 1-2 moves in 2 diferent directions but sometimes it goes too far from the place i throw it initially. This makes trapping barely impossible.

They take their tame to take effect, i have seen to many awful things like a people jumping around and even forward the trap without it taking effect. The most curious part is that if i put the trap and feing death like vanilla style it takes instant effect!

Yea it summons cute snakes but, wait, the don't do anything! only following the target :D

- Pets sometimes go trough walls, terrain or whatever...
- In BG when u die and ress, the pet doesn't resurrect, u have to call him and ress by yourself
- When u make scatter shot, serpent sting, trap or those CC effects pet still attacks the target
- Pet talents points reset everytime i teleport or logout of the game making us able to put all
the skills of the game in the pet, excepting the no same family ones.
Okey, this is what i have found so far. If i see something new i will post it here. Also i wanted people to say the ones if they knew them or know that one of the posted above are not bugs!
Hope u understand,