AV mines on map
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 18:56
Mines in Alterac Valley are sometimes shown on the map with collor of the opposite faction, It seems random when it happens, however If you hoover mouse over the mine, the tooltip is correct.
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There are 2 mines in Alterac Valley: Coldtooth Mine and Irondeep Mine. At the beginning of the battle, each Mine has a complement of humanoid NPCs, and one named NPC. If the named NPC is killed by your faction, the mine will flood with aligned troops and will cede control to your side.
In Patch 2.3, with the addition of reinforcements, mines will grant 1 reinforcement every 45 seconds. If your faction controls both mines, you will gain 2 reinforcements every 45 seconds.
The mines work just fine. That is not the problem being reported.Pre wrote:There are 2 mines in Alterac Valley: Coldtooth Mine and Irondeep Mine. At the beginning of the battle, each Mine has a complement of humanoid NPCs, and one named NPC. If the named NPC is killed by your faction, the mine will flood with aligned troops and will cede control to your side.
In Patch 2.3, with the addition of reinforcements, mines will grant 1 reinforcement every 45 seconds. If your faction controls both mines, you will gain 2 reinforcements every 45 seconds.