why not for warlock ?
its by far the most bugged class in the game for example a small list of things that dont work properly
Intensity - Bugged
Pyroclasm - Bugged
Curse of Doom - Bugged
Warlock Spell hit - Bugged
Conflagration - bugged (u can use it on other warlocks immolate)
Destructive Reach - Bugged (lets u cast shadowfury even though it says its out of range)
but wait ! there's more....
Curse of elements doesnt bring u in combat when applied to a Stealthed character.
(wich means rogues can still sap u.)
it should also bring them out of stealth.
and also when using this macro :
/pet defensive
/petattack [target=Earthbind Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Windfury Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Mana Tide Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Tremor Totem ] [Harm]
/petattack [target=Grounding Totem ] [Harm]
u can attack every totem named here with 1 button click.
but since the pet is bugged. i need to reclick it for every totem on the field. distracting you on what is really happening.
Deems wrote:
Spell hit HAS to be bugged lol. It CAN'T be 1%, or I'm just the luckiest person on earth. When I'm playing on my warlock, SO MANY spells get resisted (not stuns or fears, but damage spells). Probly 1/5 of my incinerates always gets resisted...
According to retail the spell hit Cap for warlock in TBC should be 3% for pvp atm im at 4,99% and i get so many spells resisted its plain retarded : immolates , incinerates, fears , shadowfury even spells that shouldnt resist at all like shadowburn or soul fire (not sure about the last 1 )
i still i think this needs to be looked at .
Life drain is also bugged. it tends to Suck out more HP then it should.
Ritual of summoning works for 50% u can summon the doomwalker but u cant enslave it.
there for no use to summon it at all. wich could be a great aspect to demonology locks
Curse of doom doesnt summon the doomwalker.
warlock pets dissapear when dying . Pets should stay alive in a BG until either a new 1 is summoned or when its killed
do u think its over?
Wacco wrote:
the talent Demonic Resiliance dont work? and if it does it still broken due to that pets get 1shoted except felguard you need to 4shot him atleast
Amplify Curse dont work at all, imagine the CoEx
I want the trinket Void Star Talisman to work!
Pet resiliance is broken
Pet random stays at a point if i attack someone and he died when my pet is "aggro" on him he stays at that spot and gets retarded, sometimes you cant call him back(most of the times) so you have to aggro someone else far away or mount to get him back, that can be a problem many times..
also if you get to long away from him he dissapears..
Destro resist is broken
you need to spamm Pet talents when in range of the pet instead of clickit and hope you get a Devour Magic on yourself or Spell lock to an enemy. this is annoying
Fel guard same there with Intercept, you need to spamm the talent and i have aslo noticed that if you have intercept on auto he sometimes charge thru objects and can charge in melee :D me like
Succubus seduce is retarded and she random stays at spots more than any other pet or i have just bad luck.
Imp shots and running towards the target and shot some more till he get in melee rangee.
Im more of a BGhero but if you specc Fel Concentration and not it doesnt matter
Curse of Recklessness dont work but who needs it ))
Firestone dont work when i last tryed it as destro, havent ever never tryed Spellstone
and let not forget the biggest Bug on a skill that warlock really rely's on :

im not asking u to fix this as soon as possible im asking for a explanation why its taking so damn long to atleast fix anything related to this class, half of these bugs have been reported before and nothing gets done about or told about it.Would like to see a 1 of the most fun classes Actually be playable instead of thinking why my spells arent working.
Credits goes to : Applez,Deems,Coockshock,Rarecandy,Teddey
Aaaannnddd........GO !