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Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 14:17
by Gregoriano
2. Blessed life doesn't work. (atleast with white swings, frostbolt and ice lance, I tested only these)

3. Librams that add +heal to holy light or flash of light don't seem to work, neither the one that increases the benefit of blessing of light, atleast I don't see diffrence when wearing one or not.

4. Stocism anti dispell part doesn't work with judgements and the effect of seal of vengeance on the target (atleast with priests dispell magic), however, it works atleast with your blessing and seals on you, but I don't know if it works with your blessings on a friend. (It doesn't work with buffs casted on you by someone else works as intended, I have mentioned it only because I can imagine it bugged this way). I haven't seen yet it preventing mass dispel vs divine shield situation, needs a confirmation if it works.
Anti stun part of the talent works.

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 16:45
by Mayhem8
1. And what school of magic is Divine Shield in? All Paladin spells are Holy.
2. Confirm. Good find, had a TP wasted in this. :P
3. Tested, all broken.
4. Too busy atm to look into this.

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 18:26
by Gregoriano
Mayhem8 wrote:1. And what school of magic is Divine Shield in? All Paladin spells are Holy.
I might be wrong about this, but I always thought it depends where the spell sits in spell book.

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 18:34
by Mayhem8
Wrong you are. There are just 6 magic schools in WoW. So, for example, a priest's PW:S isn't in the Discipline school (which doesn't exist), but in the Holy, even though it isn't in the Holy tab. Also, a Draenei Paladin getting counterspelled while casting the racial HoT (which is also Holy), means 8 sec of being unable to bubble or cast anything for that matter.

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 18:36
by Gregoriano
Ok, thanks man! I redited the post. I just always thougth smth diffrent. Seems i still need l2p :) (cheked wowwiki, acually never bothered to do so)

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 10:16
by Gregoriano
I cant find a source to confirm this, but shouldn't seal/judgement of light receive +heal bonus? Because now it doesn't.
Also is judgement of wisdom really working? It shows a mana gain in combat log, but I cant see the gain as a floating text, as I see with the seal.

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 11:50
by Toosh
Judgement of light shouldn't benefit from +healing
and I believe the judgement of light mana gain is working properly, but I can go and test on my paladin to really confirm this. :)

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 12:23
by Gregoriano
Toosh wrote:Judgement of light shouldn't benefit from +healing
How about the seal, it also shouldn't receive the bonus?

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:29
by Toosh
Nope, neither of them should benefit from healing.

Re: Paladin bugs TBC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 17:41
by Gregoriano
When I cast seal of x, combat log displays too many "seal of x is refreshed", for example seal of the crusader displays 3x refreshed even if I didn't have it active yet. Every other seal displays up to 2x refreshed. Minor bug I guess.