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Timbal's Focusing Crystal

Posted: 06 Feb 2010, 15:43
by Fatald
What is the bug?
Timbal's Focusing Crystal doesn't work
Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)
It's a database issue, the trinket doesn't proc
How can you reproduce it?
I have it equipped and it doesn't do any damage, (I am shadow priest and I got a few dots, casted all of them and it didn't proc, I did this many times asking players to let me test it)
Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:

Re: Timbal's Focusing Crystal

Posted: 06 Feb 2010, 17:00
by Endania
Works fine on my warlock and priest.

Re: Timbal's Focusing Crystal

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 02:10
by Fantwo
Seems to be working fine on any warlock/spriest that i have created and used?
Proc rate also seems to be fine.

Re: Timbal's Focusing Crystal

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 07:56
by Toosh
The item works as intented