Warrior Bugs - Report here

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Re: Warrior Bugs - Report here

Post by Deems »

Agarwen wrote: 2.Auto attack after any skill used on focus doesn't work.
I agree that its a bug, but thats how it worked on retail for vanilla+tbc+wrath. Took them until Cataclysm to fix it.
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Re: Warrior Bugs - Report here

Post by Agarwen »

Most of these bugs are critical like taunts white hit fear and rage, please fix it.
2200-2400 all privates servers TBC warrior.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Posts: 7

Re: Warrior Bugs - Report here

Post by socawey »

Warrior rage generation is too low. I typed an extensive bugreport but the forum ate it, so information sources for correct rage generation:
http://wayback.archive.org/web/20080624 ... ageNo=1#16
http://wayback.archive.org/web/20081019 ... generation
We currently use those exact formulas in the game core.

Which of those two formulas is currently used in the game core? Because Kalganbliz's post (first link) was on November 16, 2006 which was 19 days before the release of patch 2.0.1. (because of how close release was from post it seems that he is posting the "normalized" formula that came in 2.0.1)
Rage generation from dealing damage has been normalized.
All Rage awards are averaged with our expected rage per swing (adjusted for weapon speed).
Historical note: Starting in Patch 2.0.1 but prior to Patch 2.0.10, these numbers were smaller. 'f' for a main-hand normal hit prior to 2.0.10, for example, was 2.5.
http://www.wowwiki.com/Rage (same as Zaktul's second link)

In patch 2.0.10 they increased the hit factor to 3.5/7
Thunderclap also was made usable in Defensive Stance in patch 2.0.10, and here on Smolderforge I see that is the case. Which would make me assume Smolderforge is using 3.5/7 hit factor

so which patch formula is used here? cuz changing that formula to post 2.0.10 (if it currently is 2.0.1 patch formula) would be 15-20% more rage for all warriors which is exactly what feels like is missing and would explain why so many warriors ask/think/complain about rage generation on Smolderforge

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