Druid Bugs - Report here

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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Hardlight »

treants don't attack anything.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Firstaidkit »

Euthanized wrote:Hmm. Guess it's back to my Pally. Anyone want a Druid?
Nice fake whine son, whine about bug that got fixed. It's how it used to be on retail.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Laakii »

i've noticed for few times my Shred is being dodged. For shred u need to be behind your target.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Gregoriano »

Should't precasting heals on cycloned targets be possible? because I couldn't do it with flash of light and holy light few days ago (paladin).
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Wacco »

Druid Hots cancel each other out and reset stacks.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Brock »

Not to be the asshole here but darkgroom is correct the reason it seems that everyone else is faster than us ferals inside is because hardly any of us put minor speed on because of how often were outside its not broken or anything if you want to be a tad bit faster like the rest of the community i suggest getting minor speed, sadly though when transitioning from inside to outside it keeps the indoor slow on you so you have to reshift it should not do this it should automatically revert you to your outdoor speed boost.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Firstaidkit »

Brock wrote:Not to be the asshole here but darkgroom is correct the reason it seems that everyone else is faster than us ferals inside is because hardly any of us put minor speed on because of how often were outside its not broken or anything if you want to be a tad bit faster like the rest of the community i suggest getting minor speed, sadly though when transitioning from inside to outside it keeps the indoor slow on you so you have to reshift it should not do this it should automatically revert you to your outdoor speed boost.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Fairy fire cast on a stealthed or otherwise invisible target will NOT remove them from stealth. Seen this happen more than just a few times. It's my understanding, that if you apply this debuff, it pulls them out of stealth/invisibility and denies access to the ability until the debuff is removed/dispelled/wears off. However, it doesn't. The only way I've found to decloak a rogue on a feral(without actually hitting him, that is.) is the AP reducing 'shout.' which, with how stealth seems to behave here, if you go to swap to bear from cat to try and pull him out, you'll lose sight of him before the GCD comes up from the shift.

Also, am I the only one noticing fairy fire and Bash is amazingly easy to dodge/miss/resist?
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Exsurgo »

Peekaboo wrote: Also when resetting talents, the combo point/rage bonus gained through the feral talent Primal Fury (spell=37116; 37117) doesn't get removed. (seems to happen randomly, another reset fixed it)
Sup ferals, report your shit, I don't play that class at all...
This still seems to be the case, and it can be extremely sporadic. It seems to have persisted through several resto respecs from my original feral respec. Possibly some sort of database issue?

Also ::

Hibernate completely bypasses spell resistance effects. I tested a druid with 0 spell penetration against a hunters pet with 268 nature resistance (specced NR + aspect of the wild + gift of the wild) and got no resists out of about 30 casts.

Actually more testing is making me think there is something fundamentally wrong with druid CCs. They never seem to be affected by high resistances. 7 cylones, about 7 hibernates and 4 entangling roots against the same pet, 0 resists.

Their damage spells are effected however.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Exsurgo »

Mangle (Cat)

I don't know if the following is a bug. but I am going to report this issue anyway to see if I can get some clarification.

So I was killing a world boss dragon and noticed in my recount that mangles this week (after the core update) in cat form are hitting for appox 25% less damage.

On the target dummy my full T5/2pc T6 feral with 3.8k AP:

Before the coreswitch:

Mangle 1350avg non-crit 2900avg crit

After the corewitch:

Mangle 1075avg non-crit 2400crit

So mangle seems to have lost slightly over 20% damage. The tooltip is the same as it was before the update, so why has the damage dropped. Was the damage before bugged or is it not scaling properly with gear? Note that now Bear form mangle does slightly more dmg on average than cat form mangle.
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