Shaman Bugs - Report here

Fixed/closed bug reports are moved to this board in archival state. Also contains all the original bug reports from the past years.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Zapcraclepop »

The spell that recalls totems and returns a percentage of spent mana does not return any mana. It just unsummons the totems.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by valiener »

CURE POISON must cure 2 poisons instead of 1 but its not the biggest problem cause it DOSENT WORK AT ALL
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Zapcraclepop »

valiener wrote:CURE POISON must cure 2 poisons instead of 1 but its not the biggest problem cause it DOSENT WORK AT ALL
Yes it does, same with the totem. You're just facing someone with the 30 or 40% dispel protection talent.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Outskilled »

Elemental mastery aint been working for about 25 years about time that got fixed
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Exsurgo »

The Shaman talent spirit weapons gives Shamans a chance to parry enemy melee attacks. The parry granted by this talent persists through a talent respec however.

This means that a Resto or Ele shaman can gain the +5% parry until they log-off.
Seems to be a issue of the database data not being reset through respecs.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Rodal »

ZatYo wrote:Totems such as windfury, poisons cleansing, earthbind, etc should instantly tick when used.
Pretty big and annoying bug that shouldn't be underestimated.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Henhouse »

Rodal wrote:
ZatYo wrote:Totems such as windfury, poisons cleansing, earthbind, etc should instantly tick when used.
Pretty big and annoying bug that shouldn't be underestimated.
This will be fixed on next server update.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by exed »

Grounding totem; having the same issue as spell reflect on warriors, in which if multiple spells were cast before grounding was destroyed, it only would redirect one. For example, if a mage cast ice lance and counterspell - the grounding totem should redirect both spells if counterspell was cast BEFORE ice lance reached and destroyed the grounding totem. Im positive that this is how it was during TBC and would hope that it were fixed.

Also, currently shamans are not allowed to cast totems while silenced or locked out. Which is something that shamans use to be able to do, and need to be able to do.

With both of these bugs combined, myself playing a elemental shaman, it becomes very easy to become locked out of your tree and making you useless for multiple seconds.
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Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Luecifer »

exed wrote:Grounding totem; having the same issue as spell reflect on warriors, in which if multiple spells were cast before grounding was destroyed, it only would redirect one. For example, if a mage cast ice lance and counterspell - the grounding totem should redirect both spells if counterspell was cast BEFORE ice lance reached and destroyed the grounding totem. Im positive that this is how it was during TBC and would hope that it were fixed.

Also, currently shamans are not allowed to cast totems while silenced or locked out. Which is something that shamans use to be able to do, and need to be able to do.

With both of these bugs combined, myself playing a elemental shaman, it becomes very easy to become locked out of your tree and making you useless for multiple seconds.
I was in a AQ20 raid last night, playing as a Enhancement shaman, we faced this boss who continiously silenced for long periods of time while I was being yelled at to put out WF totem - clearly I couldn't cause I was silenced haha.
Posts: 109

Re: Shaman Bugs - Report here

Post by Gregoriano »

Shouldn't magma, healing stream and mana tide totem tick instantly when placed? They don't right now.

Flametonge weapon does nothing.
Flametonge totem adds some damage, but I suspect it's incorrect.

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