Forge of Souls Horde quest line

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Posts: 5

Forge of Souls Horde quest line

Post by Niredrum3 »

With the new cross faction dungeons i think i've found an annoying bug for the forge of souls dungeons. If i enter first, naturally, the dungeon will have sylvannas spawn and be the horde quest giver. Though on completion Jaina Proudmoore shows up at the end of the dungeon instead of sylvannas.. it's happened to me three times. I have all of the requirements completed for the quest sooo idk why she's showing up.
Posts: 29

Re: Forge of Souls Horde quest line

Post by Paulheyman »

Yes it happens couple of times, for example if you have 3 allies and 2 hordes Jaina will spawn and if you have 3 hordes and 2 allies silvana will spawn i would recommend to do such quest related dungeons with you're faction only. Btw: In ICC its the same thing just the NPC's attacks our hordies :P
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Re: Forge of Souls Horde quest line

Post by Henhouse »

This is not a bug. This is a consequence of wanting cross-faction LFG.
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