Global mana restore issue

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Posts: 3

Global mana restore issue

Post by Orion »

What is the bug?

It is a small issue with the mana restore effects (applies to everyone)

Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)

probably spell

How can you reproduce it?

gotta describe it in the last section

Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:


Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:

So its really not a serious bug. But, less bugs are always good. So the basic problem is that mana restore effects, like insightful earthstorm diamond or paladins illumination, happens before the mana consumption. That means if the caster is on 100% mana, the spell will have no effect. It works like, restores X mana (when already on 100%) then consumes the mana for the spell, therefore Illumination had no effect. (or any spell with the same mechanics)

anyway im best pala afrika

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