Stuck then DC'd

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Posts: 9

Stuck then DC'd

Post by pallakiller »

When im doing arena sometimes my char just get stuck and everytime i move him he get "teleported" back to the spot where it begun (stuck) pretty annyoing when trying arena teams
Game Master
Game Master
Posts: 52

Re: Stuck then DC'd

Post by TeZ »

Try deleting your cache folder, should fix the problem.

Windows XP/2000
-Click the Start button, select Programs, select Accessories and select Windows Explorer.
-In the new window click the + beside the My Computer option, this should expand a list.
-Click the + beside the Hard Disk with the (C:) label on the end (Or whichever Hard Disk the game was installed on).
-Click the + beside Program Files.
-Scroll down until you find World of Warcraft in the list and double click it.
-In the panel on the right there should be a list of files and folders, the WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders should be in this list.
-Single click the CACHE folder and it should become highlighted, once that folder is highlighted press the Delete key on your keyboard..
-Once the folder has been deleted you can close Windows Explorer.
-Start the game again using the World of Warcraft Launcher to see if this helps resolve your issue.

Windows Vista
-Click the Start button, select All Programs, select Accessories and select Windows Explorer.
-In the new window click the + beside the My Computer option, this should expand a list.
-Click the + beside the Hard Disk with the (C:) label on the end (Or whichever Hard Disk the game was installed on).
-Click the + beside Program Files.
-Scroll down until you find World of Warcraft in the list and double click it.
-In the panel on the right there should be a list of files and folders, the WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders should be in this list.
-Single click the CACHE folder and it should become highlighted, once that folder is highlighted press the Delete key on your keyboard.
-If the UAC is enabled, which it is by default, then the system will also be caching these three folders. Near the navigation bar, please click on the link for "Compatibility Files". Once "Compatibility Files" has been clicked, this will take you to the VirtualStore folder. Please check if there is a World of Warcraft folder(usually located in the programs folder)
- Retired Game Master
Posts: 23

Re: Stuck then DC'd

Post by NeXTdarE »

Having same problem, going to delete Cache to ensure its not a servers problem.

Ill post back when Ill be sure about it.
Calanthe <=> Night Elf Hunter
7/43/11 Marksmanship
3/4 s3 4/4 t6
Posts: 23

Re: Stuck then DC'd

Post by NeXTdarE »

Seems like deleting Cache really helps. No DC for 3 hours.

Edit: After almost 6hours DC in BG
Calanthe <=> Night Elf Hunter
7/43/11 Marksmanship
3/4 s3 4/4 t6

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