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Ashen-Wrath only

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 13:59
by Furior
<<Ashen>> Pve guild from Alliance is recruting new members for ICC raids and more.We're using dkp system 10 dkp/icc boss.
English(a little)
Pve knowledge
You need eyes and ears not a big mouth.
Full guild bank Etc etc.
350 MEMBERS!!!
20~ online all the time

Re: Ashen-Wrath only

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 02:16
by TheSituation

i have good gear

PvE is my life

Re: Ashen-Wrath only

Posted: 20 Aug 2010, 15:34
by Furior
Naxx 10/25 Cleared.
OS 10/25 Cleared (even with Drakes up).
EOE 10/25 Cleared but no script.
Voa 10 Koralon,Archavon Cleared.Tavaron not there
TOGC 10/25Cleared
ICC 10/25 Cleared Only Spawned.
Ony Cleared.

Re: Ashen-Wrath only

Posted: 20 Aug 2010, 18:17
by Melvior

VoA only Archavon has drop, before Koralon there is Ragnaros, which has drop, and Koralon - 2 of them with missing scripts and drops. Emalon and Toravon missing,

Re: Ashen-Wrath only

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 10:32
by Dakkroth
u rly did mortatlity for horse or w/e or was it bugged as fux

cuz idk m8

Re: Ashen-Wrath only

Posted: 28 Aug 2010, 16:13
by Yoavbebn
Furior wrote:PROGRESS
Naxx 10/25 Cleared.
OS 10/25 Cleared (even with Drakes up).
EOE 10/25 Cleared but no script.
Voa 10 Koralon,Archavon Cleared.Tavaron not there
TOGC 10/25Cleared
ICC 10/25 Cleared Only Spawned.
Ony Cleared.
Gonna do soon ICC fully when they'll script it up.. GJ guys ;]