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Lolzeroxl wrote:Guild is disbanded due alot of unactive ppl
Why not remove them from guild?
every 10days+ offline players were removed from guild.just there is so many guilds on ally side and population is low.i remember 1 month aggo i had 38 online players and 10+ online all day,these days there was 3-4-5-6-7 online so i cant make premades or any orgrimmar raids like i used to so i decide to disband it
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Lolzeroxl wrote:Guild is disbanded due alot of unactive ppl
Why not remove them from guild?
every 10days+ offline players were removed from guild.just there is so many guilds on ally side and population is low.i remember 1 month aggo i had 38 online players and 10+ online all day,these days there was 3-4-5-6-7 online so i cant make premades or any orgrimmar raids like i used to so i decide to disband it
Are you just going to make a new one?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
WTB guild like League of heroes was,i mean world pvp raids on org/sw ,if anyone who plays alot could make guild who will do that raids,i would be gratefull and i could help with guild but i dont play alot,like 1-2-3 hurs per day if i log
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Lolzeroxl wrote:WTB guild like League of heroes was,i mean world pvp raids on org/sw ,if anyone who plays alot could make guild who will do that raids,i would be gratefull and i could help with guild but i dont play alot,like 1-2-3 hurs per day if i log