<< GnomeLand Security Inc >> Is Now a Freshly Started Raid Guild With retail Experience and Smolderforge Experience It's New so like every new Guild It needs Member's Every1 Who have Experience Know english Can type / Understand It is Welcome Pve Gear is a need ofcourse Rulles are simpel we expect from everyone to speak english in the guild don't Flame to other Guilds nor Guildmembers.
We Are Recruiting The Next Classes .
Prot Warriors ////
Combat Rogue's ///
Feral Tanks ////
Resto Druid's ////
Fury Warrior's (Not Needed as much as Prot But your Welcome to try) //
Fire / Arcane Mage's /////
Warlock's ////
Survival / Beast Mastery Hunter's ////
Resto Shaman's /////
Enhancement Shaman's (Same as The furry warriors except We need resto More then enhance ATM) //
Ellemental Shaman's ///
Shadow priest's ////
Holy Priest's ////
Holy Paladin's ////
Prot Paladin's /// (Most be Average in Agro Holding)
You are Required To buy Mana Pots / Health Pots every single raid there's a Vendor called (Innkeeper FizzGrimble) He salled Mana Pots / Health Pots for 2g Your expected to have every raid atleast 10-40pots with you Knowing Tactics is Important But like every Decent Raid Guild There Will be said tactics before boss fight .
Like every raid Guild Have You can get Promotions ATM i have no class leaders But that will Come in the Future When i hope the guild had Grown I dont expect from my members to make Zero Mistakes WE are Humans EVERYBODY makes a mistake Before Ginv i always inspect my member's At mount Vendor in Mall.
I will try When we are 25+ members to organize Guild Raids But that will happen in the future First The Guild have to Grow . If i typed a mistake im sorry IM ONLY HUMAN :D i aint gone ask for applys ppl hate them and You can lie / tell bullshit idc Gear/Experience all i wont in my raids Ty if you read it fully .
/w PinkMith If you wont to join
GLSI Recruiting
GnomeLand Security Inc
the /// At the classes means How much its needed and Please don't hate me if i typed not perfect english
Thats all i can see atm
You can Post your name Here to if you want and i'll Wisper You ingame for a inspect
We have no website I know how much ppl hate to make a acc to make a silly Apply so no need
Thats all i can see atm
You can Post your name Here to if you want and i'll Wisper You ingame for a inspect
We have no website I know how much ppl hate to make a acc to make a silly Apply so no need
Re: GLSI Recruiting
Bæbe (Night Elf Rogue)
Æl (Gnome Mage)
choose one of it :) . byez
Æl (Gnome Mage)
choose one of it :) . byez
TBC - B?â?ªbe (Night Elf Rogue)
TBC - Lovetrain (Night Elf Priest)
TBC - ?â?Çál (Gnome Mage)
WOTLK - ?â??alls (Undead Mage)
WOTLK - ?â?Çál (Tauren Death Knight)
WOTLK - ?â???â?ªbe (Night Elf Warrior)
TBC - alls (Undead Mage)
TBC - Lovetrain (Night Elf Priest)
TBC - ?â?Çál (Gnome Mage)
WOTLK - ?â??alls (Undead Mage)
WOTLK - ?â?Çál (Tauren Death Knight)
WOTLK - ?â???â?ªbe (Night Elf Warrior)
TBC - alls (Undead Mage)
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