Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Re: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
Trailer was awesome. But I seriously wonder how much this will change WoW... I mean Grommosh kills Mannoroth way earlier than he should. For those who played Warcraft III, Grom and Thrall kill Mannoroth in Ashenvale during the events of the burning legion invasion. Now his own son, gone back in time, helps him refuse to drink the blood of Mannoroth, thus not dooming his people and all the events that unfold into modern Warcraft.
Also Gul'dan is the one who opens the dark portal with Medievh so it's very interesting how that is now changed. I mean the events of the Orcs vs. Humans war will be 100% different. Hell, the plague hasn't even happened yet. I'm assuming maybe we stop Grommosh from finished the dark portal in this expansion? Dunno. But if they get through that portal, WoW would be entirely different.
Also, I LOVED the throwback to the original WC3 cinematic where Grom kills Mannorth like. Reference: http://i.imgur.com/baqMEad.jpg
Also Gul'dan is the one who opens the dark portal with Medievh so it's very interesting how that is now changed. I mean the events of the Orcs vs. Humans war will be 100% different. Hell, the plague hasn't even happened yet. I'm assuming maybe we stop Grommosh from finished the dark portal in this expansion? Dunno. But if they get through that portal, WoW would be entirely different.
Also, I LOVED the throwback to the original WC3 cinematic where Grom kills Mannorth like. Reference: http://i.imgur.com/baqMEad.jpg
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
Blizz just retconned Warcraft lore with a shitty excuse. For money. Good job, Activi$ion, you're doing great. Fuck you.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Re: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
Its like this: We helped that guy get the stones and other hourglasses set up on the timeless isle, he basically uses them to free Garrosh and send him on his way to alt. Draenor, but since Nozdormu locked the timeways somehow during Cataclysm so he could get Dragon Soul without much consequence or some shit so Garry doesn't change anything, instead just brings the alternative version of Draenor to us. Seriously?
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Re: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
Warlords of Draenor makes as much sense as.. nothing. It makes no fucking sense and literally stomps all over all of the lore that existed. To me Caverns of Time was pushing it, now you make an entire expansion based on time travel and altering the present, you've ruined your story. Seems like 5-year-olds are making this shit now.
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
Re: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer
People fap instantly on the game's advertisements and cinematic trailers. Wait and see how's gameplay rather than some productions and marketing skills. Weren't it disappointing with MoP?
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