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short kidneyshot? bugd?

Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 07:35
by kalaskakor1
8 50. first kidney on rog. shall be 4 sec but gets like 2 or less? (4 points)

compare to kidney on 25 16, also first (4 points) (this one works)

19 30. first kidney on rog. 3 sec gets 1? (3 points)(same rog)

Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 12:57
by Dntryme
Can you write in proper english?
What does '8 50.' for example mean?

Re: short kidneyshot? bugd?

Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 13:36
by kalaskakor1
8 50 timer on the clip I linked =)

sry for being unclear

Re: short kidneyshot? bugd?

Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 20:28
by Blue
fap fap fap

Re: short kidneyshot? bugd?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 13:07
by Skelmor
Not exactly sure... What?

Re: short kidneyshot? bugd?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 13:16
by Amgseret
Lets see....

The guy posted a vid ( and at 8:50 minutes of the video, the guy uses a 4CP KS but it lasts lesser than 2 sec, while at 25:16 minutes of the vid, the 4CP KS works as it should.

Didnt watch the vid but pretty sure its because of diminishing returns Mr kala, so if the target got stunned by an other rogue shorty, your KS will last lesser.