Beware Henhouse..
Posted: 23 Jul 2012, 00:16
We are coming for you!!
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why henhouse?Felixx wrote:We are coming for you!!
Amgseret wrote:Turtles are god.
should have ss'ed me riding on the bike xD. It's crazy. ^^Felixx wrote:We are coming for you!!
lmao yeah should, was quite fun those bikes! Oil & run!Vanilla wrote:should have ss'ed me riding on the bike xD. It's crazy. ^^Felixx wrote:We are coming for you!!
What did I just read?Riski wrote:Oh sure, pick on the guy who's name starts with an R huh? I see through you.. You just don't like R's because they stand for rock, and rock beats paper, and if you put paper up to a light you can see through it, and if you look THROUGH the SEA you will find turtles, and turtles lay their eggs on land where they are attacked by birds when they hatch, and birds make their nests our of twigs, and twigs come from trees, and trees grow from seeds, and seeds are inside of watermelons, and watermelons are shaped like ovals and so are rats, and everyone knows sewer rats are a shamans mortal enemy. You may have everyone else fooled but not me.. not me.
I think he's been on the strong stuff!Nosh wrote:What did I just read?Riski wrote:Oh sure, pick on the guy who's name starts with an R huh? I see through you.. You just don't like R's because they stand for rock, and rock beats paper, and if you put paper up to a light you can see through it, and if you look THROUGH the SEA you will find turtles, and turtles lay their eggs on land where they are attacked by birds when they hatch, and birds make their nests our of twigs, and twigs come from trees, and trees grow from seeds, and seeds are inside of watermelons, and watermelons are shaped like ovals and so are rats, and everyone knows sewer rats are a shamans mortal enemy. You may have everyone else fooled but not me.. not me.