Heallen hwl
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 00:07
Just wanna congratz Heallen so much for the hwl title!
Gratz man you are officially a nerd now!
Gratz man you are officially a nerd now!
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Wacco wrote:
Neoxis wrote:Wacco wrote:
Amgseret wrote:Neoxis wrote:Wacco wrote:
Amgseret wrote:Neoxis wrote:Wacco wrote:
Wacco wrote:
What would be bad is if Rarecandy replaced the .gif on his webserver with some MASSIVE like gore wallpaper. How many times has it already been embedded in our site? :| I hope I don't give him any ideas.Toosh wrote:Okay, guys. We've already been through that quoting the cute gif thing, but please, can we stop now?
It was good fun for a while, let's not ruin it.