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(What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 06:31
by Bleu213
This was a ton of fun. The first two flag caps came pretty easily. Took the first flag, ran, mid field I saw the EFC so I Feral Charged. A few others took em down with ease.

Then, Daftendirekt picked it up again. Me and Vasshole were 2v2'ing a rDruid and a Rogue in our tunnel, and Daft went straight to the post.

The third cap was crazy, though! Daft picked up the flag again, and Vasshole, I, Daft and someone else were chilling in the FR. Eventually, it was just Vasshole and I guarding the flag. Looking at the SS, Alliance had 2 Resto Druids, 2 Priests and a Holy Pally all healing Cape, one of the rDruids. The entire time, almost all of our team was trying to focus down the EFC. Even worse, as soon as everyone defending me went to attack, I was stuck by a rogue and a Pally. Luckily, Vasshole came back quickly enough as I self-healed. After a little more back and forth, finally they downed the EFC's long enough for me to cap the last flag.

Overall, it was an epic battle. :D


Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 07:47
by Lolzeroxl
Nice,i love long BG's too

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 12:38
by Sandero
my longest BG was on chaoscrusade tbc server :)
2 hours of playing xD
and I had 3 million dmg, the second had 2 million xD but as you might know the dmg output was too high on this server, I played elemental shaman with full swp and the crits were like 6k. here its normal, you crit about 4k :)
but it was still fun x)

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 15:13
by Wacco
90min WSG's FTW :D

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 13:08
by Firstaidkit
A few screenshots from my screenshot folder =):


Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 19:50
by Lolzeroxl
Beat this nubs ;')
this one was interesting BG,i moved 95% allone and watever i faced i menaged to kill lawl,i died few times it was probably more when there was more enemys,and allys lost that AB badly

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 21:18
by Firstaidkit
Lolzeroxl wrote:Beat this nubs ;')
Already did that with the above screenshots.

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 00:22
by Lolzeroxl
Firstaidkit wrote:
Lolzeroxl wrote:Beat this nubs ;')
Already did that with the above screenshots.
hmmm ur best score is 28/0/77 and mine is 38/3/94
i dont know how u look at the score but i go to have as much as posible killing blows in less as posible HKs
if u look in dmg than u dominate for sure,but i dont camp graveyards in wsg,its booring

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 00:38
by Cube
KB/HK ratio is serious fucking business.

Re: (What felt like a) Two Hour Long WSG

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 01:30
by Lolzeroxl
Cube wrote:KB/HK ratio is serious fucking business.