Wish Box, couple of wishes i've made up.

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Posts: 185

Wish Box, couple of wishes i've made up.

Post by Aklem »

I'd love to see...............
1. Smoldenforges' pvp society grow.
2. People Q for 3s, and constant 2s pops.
3. Grounding Totem Getting fixed......(srsly...)
4. More Bg's Qs.
5. A Lovely friendly society, since smoldenforge deserves that, this server compared to others has no bugs.
Love, Aklem.
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Re: Wish Box, couple of wishes i've made up.

Post by Aklem »

Ps, Id love to encourage all of you to invite more people to have more fun on smoldenforge.
Thank you.
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Re: Wish Box, couple of wishes i've made up.

Post by Henhouse »

We're currently not open on WoWStatus.net but when we're on 3.0.3 for a while I'll open it back up.
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Re: Wish Box, couple of wishes i've made up.

Post by Skriot »

Yeh if smolderforge ever went dedicated (meaning thousands could get online) thats would be awesome!, be bit like wowscape wer constant 5v5 also pop up ^^
but less buggyer and more mature staff..
Also buggs like groundin totem are core buggs. Can be fixed if you report it on mangos forums, they if there nice will write a fix for it. so mayb if u do tht henhouse could upload the fix into SF. (Dont see point atm as its going 3.0)
but yeh u never see much raiders anymore or pvp
cant wait 3.0 :D
Posts: 185

Re: Wish Box, couple of wishes i've made up.

Post by Aklem »

some other things like wound poison not working properly working 10% not 50% in a 5 stack and getting dispelled in one abolish.
Same with poison curing and abolishing for both shamans and druids and talents that reduce the chance of being dispelled should be fixed also.
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