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Just to set up the story here i am strolling through the mall when im ambushed by this "Ventrilo Information" npc, he managed to take my vengefull/tier 6 off talk about a powerful level 80 Elite. We wrangled and ended up in this position, talk about one of the worst nights on Smolderfoge History.
Ice cream or ice-cream (originally iced cream) is a frozen dessert made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, combined with flavorings and sweeteners, such as sugar, and possible other ingredients. This mixture is stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large ice crystals from forming; the result is a smoothly textured ice cream. In the United States, ice cream made with just cream, sugar, and a flavoring (usually fruit) is sometimes referred to as "Philadelphia style"[1] ice cream. Ice creams made with eggs, usually in the form of custards, are "French" ice creams.[2]
Frozen custard, frozen yogurt, sorbet, gelato, and other similar products are sometimes informally called ice cream, but governments generally regulate the commercial use of these terms based on quantities of ingredients.[3] American federal labeling standards require ice cream to contain a minimum of 10% milk fat (about 7 grams (g) of fat per 1/2 cup [120 mL] serving) and 20% total milk solids by weight.[