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Smoke's Worrying Screenshot

Posted: 17 Dec 2009, 17:27
by Smoke
Ok, i hate doing this, but my friend got whispered by this guy: Hordeloses, who claims to be a gm and threatens to ban him. I found that very disturbing and told him to ask again and take a screenshot. Here you go, its attached.
I am Syal, btw. My friend is Rankor.
Now, I personally do not like putting someone out like this, but Rankor got kinda upset about things and I think this matter should be addressed.

Thank you,

PS: If you check Hordeloses Topic, you will see that he actually threatens to ban Rankor. Even though it might just be a joke, I think this is a little too serious.
PPS: Rankor wrote a ticket about it, but, as nobody answered, he asked me to post it on the forums.

Re: Smoke's Worrying Screenshot

Posted: 17 Dec 2009, 18:28
by Hordeloses
Yes, I is true, I has threaten Rankor...He be weak minded I has fooled him quick...I is true Jokeman...I also be MASTER PVP ( You may know me from MEGA PVP event Hyjal) so good ...I now listen good...Turtleman has post me that true ban is good...whatever

Re: Smoke's Worrying Screenshot

Posted: 17 Dec 2009, 23:17
by Syvar
Hordeloses, I am not sure what Henhouse's policy is on this but telling someone that you are GM is never kosher. You cannot impersonate someone in order to threaten another. I have warned your account on the forums and have taken note that if this comes up again or turns into something bigger, your account will be suspended or possibly locked.