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Yall waited for this, here we go, alliance heroes in their full glory
Special mention for ninchy, forever in my heart (but mostly forever in graveyards)
R.I.P 16/02/2017
Last edited by Sylferey on 17 Feb 2017, 15:29, edited 1 time in total.
The point to post a screenshot in the " screenshots " section you mean? I don't really know if I can provide an original enough answer to this original question, so:
I like babies in my tea but i'd rather build my template with pigs piss.
Now i know why Casinoachien always leave bg when farmed and can't do anything :) ..
Now I know you're afraid to be here at screenshot because i play many times with you and I know that you leave when there is passion people in and farming us...
I realy want to see your score in group like that when enemy team farm whole team .
Both of them got realy nice score with that team... No point to SS and post that on forums because we all know you are 1piece of shit unskilled player...