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Exsurgo wrote:You can talk, but until we see video evidence of you owning people repeatedly in pvp Osiriis is king.
hey i feel great about how i play and how i own people yeah theres alot of rogues out there that beat me but not very often and im not egotistical and i wont say im the best cause thats simply not true but when it to 1v1 duel or even 1v1 in area when doing skirms i own peoples faces and im proud of that considering until november i didnt play wow for 5 to 6 years and i come back and in less than 3 months im pretty much owning everyone that pwned me when i first came back so u guys can troll all u want doesnt bother me...
thanks for commenting on post and this was my 2nd video ever i intend to make better ones in the future so yall can troll that one for all I care. Being Mature is rare on SF but either way its fun to see the trolling attempts :)
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.