wsg horde vs alliance

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Re: wsg horde vs alliance

Post by SheLexa »

Part 2. Some Basics.

An always to do list when DDOS-ed.

Try to extract the IPs of the attacker, you can do this by cheeking the trafic caused by each IP, DDOS always causes much much more trafic then a human can do, then run a research on them, because many times people use web hosting servers for DDOS, and if this is the case, aka the IP of the attacker is the IP of a hosting company report the logs to them and they should shut it down, it wouldnt be the first time someone runs a DDOS from amazon could.

Upgrade to a gigabit port, or even higer, as it will require much much more DDOS power to shut you down.

try this >

Anyway, filtering the ISP always worked for us, because its verry hard for the attacker to switch ISP.
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Re: wsg horde vs alliance

Post by Peekaboo »

Pencil tricks work aswell.
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Re: wsg horde vs alliance

Post by Firstaidkit »

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Re: wsg horde vs alliance

Post by Kremu »

I personaly know who is behind those attacks ( even have him on skype ) contact me for more info

and yes he is some retard from AT WOTLK realm who was attacking/keeping server offline so top ranks make sure no one is going to pass them till season end but since the season ended few days ago he had to get a new target to play with for a while

He said after messing things up here he will attack Feenix
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Re: wsg horde vs alliance

Post by Henhouse »

It is not Blizzard, DDOSing is illegal and Blizzard would not engage in this sort of activity to get back at private servers. They would take legal approaches like they have before, but do not anymore because it is so costly.

Kremu, I have no interest in contacting this person as I stated before.
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