Youbleed and Dinimc
Youbleed and Dinimc
It's just a trailer, full version soon
Please try to be polite and please try not to flame
It's just a trailer, full version soon
Please try to be polite and please try not to flame
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
A server owned by donors? Yet there are no fights against s4 opponents. Other than that, great video.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
In the full version you will se some donor teams beat up by thisc combo, and thx
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
FULL VERSION. Hope you like, the movey was made i a rush. We made a lot of mistake and other stuff but, we reached once 1700 but after beat by skilled mage/rogue teams.
Watch and enjoy.
FULL VERSION. Hope you like, the movey was made i a rush. We made a lot of mistake and other stuff but, we reached once 1700 but after beat by skilled mage/rogue teams.
Watch and enjoy.
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
Pretty well done. Seems kinda funny that you played a double shammy team I think was it?
Retired Game Master
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
????? is this a fucking joke?
if not, please find a gun and shoot yourself.
ps I like how you're being all "donor alert" and donor hating, when in reality they're the people who make sure retards like you have a server to play on
fuk up kid
if not, please find a gun and shoot yourself.
ps I like how you're being all "donor alert" and donor hating, when in reality they're the people who make sure retards like you have a server to play on
fuk up kid
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
Donors keep the server running. Not every donator is a pro-elite player. They donate because they enjoy the server and want to see it keep up. I liked the video until it started to bash them. It was a decent show of how the comp. works but it started to bash donators who didn't deserve it.
Retired Game Master
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
Dude did you you took your pills this morning? Why are you so nervous? You can't admint that fine but don't start flameing and other stuff. Dude admit it how many players without donor gear are in the top arena braket? None all donors , and dont tell me that skill, beats gear and other stuff, you need gear if you want to do something more, and thats the ideea with this clip, to prove that with a crappy team we can do something.Eyetoy wrote:????? is this a fucking joke?
if not, please find a gun and shoot yourself.
ps I like how you're being all "donor alert" and donor hating, when in reality they're the people who make sure retards like you have a server to play on
fuk up kid
P.S: thx Syvar and yeah we meet a doouble shaman team
Re: Youbleed and Dinimc
Bro, honestly it does not take donator gear to be top. I have to admit when I play the server you can feel the difference if you are not in s4 against another s4 team. I played warrior druid in I think s3 or s4 and I got 3rd place without any donator gear. It is possible. This was back when Viewtwo, Paws, Mysterious, Aklem and other people were competing. Don't get down and bash them. They keep us going.
Retired Game Master
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