YEAH :dCube wrote:Older content/SC -> Hyjal/??? -> SWP (which is closed)Hartun wrote:Black Temple ?ullagor wrote: Who know's what's coming next.
Could be anything really.
Hyjal cleared
Re: Hyjal cleared
Re: Hyjal cleared
- Effusion (Resto/Feral Druid)
Infusion (Ele Shaman)
Trofusion (Resto Shaman)
Perfusion (Holy/Shadow Priest)
Rafusion (Tankadin)
Ultrafusion (Destro Lock)
Exofusion (Enh Shaman)
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- Effusion (Resto/Feral Druid)
Infusion (Ele Shaman)
Trofusion (Resto Shaman)
Perfusion (Holy/Shadow Priest)
Rafusion (Tankadin)
Ultrafusion (Destro Lock)
Exofusion (Enh Shaman)
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