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Yall waited for this, here we go, our r1 warlock and his bg skills.
Special mention for Casinoachien, forever in my heart (but mostly forever in graveyards)
I do it for my streets
I do it for my hood
I do it for my momma
I do what's good
I do it for my cat
I do it for my dog
I do it for my hamster
I do it for my fish
If you wanna come to my hood come test me
I'm chillin' in the streets hanging out like my testes
I do it for my city
I do it for my hood
I do it for my city
I do it for the streets man
casino /clap for screenshot randoms
But ok i screenshot randoms only too
The biggest random is circled ofc sl/sl wlock who can't reach 1kill :,D (and mostly forever in graveyard )
Idk if there will be any differences if you come against us 1 more time