Primka Winntrading

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Posts: 25

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Madbonkis » <--- SkGaming admitting too Help him winntrade Because Primka is he's Friend also got Videos of them in arena
Posts: 25

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Madbonkis »

Now he did 1 game with "imnoob" that alt f4 as soon as ppl saw him winntrading this is sad . where are all the gms ? "just want too add Primka logged of 3 mins after" guess it aint funn to Play with out help
Posts: 8

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Ryzz »

Ok so.. I am ''Primka'' this dude ''Warcrime'' (madbonkis) started to bother me when i beated him in 3v3 solo. Since then he start sayin i am wintradeing to get rank.
I am wondering how he can be that stupid? I am not wintradeing and i dont have any Interest to do so.
Also i saw him calling other players wintraders for no reason.
Last season i had 8th place in 3v3 solo)) im not retarded person to do wintrade and i haven't seen others to do it. (im not even sure if wintrade is even possible in 3v3 solo)
Posts: 25

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Madbonkis »

Well Let Henry Decide after watching the recordings of you instead

And I didn't start too bother you after you beating me I was spectating you in arena few games when I started to Suspect then kept on watching everytime you played and the other person im sure is one is bolna Whom im also recoded a lot (and its not just me that Suspect you and bolna Majority doo) but as i said before its up too henry to watch all the recordings and Screenshots taken over the past 3 weeks you two

"and i agree your not a bad mage and you don't always winntrade but you do it from time too time when you belive you can get away with it"
Posts: 8

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Ryzz »

HAHA you are hilarious mate
"and i agree your not a bad mage and you don't always winntrade but you do it from time too time when you belive you can get away with it"
I've never seen such stupidity in my life

I never wintrade i earn the rateing by myself mostly 3v1 in that 3v3 solo i carry almost every nabs i play with :) you are either SUPER RETARDED to realize it or you are just mad cuz i beat you in game.
Posts: 104

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Sylferey »

Truth is that this " Warcrime " guy pretend to be glad, but he actually sucks. I know hom from this server and another, and he's always acting like a pro, but none see him in arena, except with bad ppl. He uses this as an excuse like " my mate is bad " or " I just que for fun ", but I've never seen him doing any good stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised to know that he has wintraded his glad title. This primka guy doesnt look like a guilty guy tbh
Posts: 2551

Re: Primka Winntrading

Post by Cube »

Sylferey wrote:Truth is that this " Warcrime " guy pretend to be glad, but he actually sucks. I know hom from this server and another, and he's always acting like a pro, but none see him in arena, except with bad ppl. He uses this as an excuse like " my mate is bad " or " I just que for fun ", but I've never seen him doing any good stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised to know that he has wintraded his glad title. This primka guy doesnt look like a guilty guy tbh
November 14th, 2015, 5:30 pm

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