Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

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Posts: 482

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Osiriis »

see i possess a skill u don't have heated its called maturity learn it :) and where r ur movies man where???? oh yeah sitting in bear form losing to s2 rogues and ice lance spams wouldn't look to good :(

and akeno if ur so skilled? where ur spectral???????
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Posts: 1567

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Amgseret »

Funny that icelance spamming still takes more skill than to play rogue 99% of the time. Not that it makes you any less the beast of SF though.
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
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Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Blue »

Amgseret wrote:Funny beast of SF[*.
Posts: 638

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Peekaboo »

Osiriis wrote:see i possess a skill u don't have heated its called maturity learn it :) and where r ur movies man where???? oh yeah sitting in bear form losing to s2 rogues and ice lance spams wouldn't look to good :(

and akeno if ur so skilled? where ur spectral???????
Are you from Texas?
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Posts: 20

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Fodis »

do you even strafe
Posts: 482

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Osiriis »

why strafe?
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Posts: 14

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Creepers »

You have some keybindings, so why do you click most of the time?
The film could use some better duels;
you may've only used one weapon in the duel against Vanishinglol, but he started off with, like, 55% HP.
Gëëkö didn't even wear proper gear, nor did he seem to start off with full HP.
Insgesicht didn't even fight back. What was the point in showing these clips?

Some more time spent on editing would also have been an improvement.
Filmmaking is fun, but you should consider what's worth publishing and what's not worth it. I mean, you should also consider what the viewer has to say about it. Spend some more time on the whole process of improving yourself, recording footage and editing.

All in all, "meh" is the only word I'd use to describe my opinion of this film - actually, the same goes with your other films so far.
Posts: 482

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Osiriis »

says another guy who ive owned countless times in durotar and never see in arena good job
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Posts: 14

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Creepers »

Osiriis wrote:says another guy who ive owned countless times in durotar and never see in arena good job
Well, that's just a lie. I've defeated you at least just as many times in duels, if not more. Neither have I ever claimed to be good.
Also, I don't play much anymore, which is why you probably haven't seen me in arenas. I haven't done any rated arenas on the server for a year or two now -- which is about the time I started playing more casually and turned more inactive. Furthermore, back when I did arenas, I did alright.
Osiriis wrote:see i possess a skill u don't have heated its called maturity learn it :)
You claimed to be mature and then you bash on me for giving, to some extent, constructive criticism. Way to go. :p
Posts: 1276

Re: Osiriis BackStab PVP Video!!!

Post by Balls »

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