Here without you.

Post pictures of screenshots in WoW, Smolderforge or retail! -- Also videos that you've made about the game.
Posts: 15

Re: Here without you.

Post by Uroxin »

Vanilla wrote:
Uroxin wrote:Copied storyline from the better 06' video.
get original please.

copied? O.o

this idea is beeing taken over and over again, i did it my way.. I am not claiming this project as mine for you to know i just took the idea , starting point ... Since you can see that effects are all different , sure , some episodes are alike, and also what is the video named as ? " World of Warcraft here without you - Remake" REMAKE <<< kay? tnx,bb. Can you even realize how long it takes to write a story?.. Mhm i guess you don't .. So why should i spend my time on that. Why do you play wow? pvp'ing? doing bg's? arenas? probably , i don't like it .. I am just sitting , chatting , frapsing sometimes, that's how i spend my time in the evening before going to bed.
And this video, it was done in 2 weeks .. You can't even imagine how hard and long the filming process was. And all you can do, throw negative comments in my direction. If you didn't like it, couldn't you just ignore this thread instead of humiliating me? It's called "Respect" .. Not going to start that every 1 deserve it, you won't understand it , is pointless. Just think about it, okay, thanks, so long.
Lmao, even so.

And ruined it in the process, but that's for a later reply.
Frapsing isn't hard. The editing is shabby.
It may have been hard for you, but if you really want something that took "time" to create. and was "hard"

Then look;

Now quit your whining.
Posts: 114

Re: Here without you.

Post by Banzai »

Lol , why are you so mad ? Leave the girl alone , if you don't like it don't watch it ... Now this forum is filled with machinima critics all of a sudden ?
Posts: 15

Re: Here without you.

Post by Uroxin »

Banzai wrote:Lol , why are you so mad ? Leave the girl alone , if you don't like it don't watch it ... Now this forum is filled with machinima critics all of a sudden ?

"Lol , why are you so mad ? Leave the girl alone , if you don't like it don't watch it"
Well, we watched it. And hated it. Hence the amount of hate breh

"Now this forum is filled with machinima critics all of a sudden ?"
Who says we don't do machinimas and such ourselves?
Posts: 1567

Re: Here without you.

Post by Amgseret »

Banzai wrote:Lol , why are you so mad ? Leave the girl alone , if you don't like it don't watch it ... Now this forum is filled with machinima critics all of a sudden ?
White knight much ?

Getting negative feedback while posting something avaible for all is something you gotta deal with too. If you dont want to, then send private vid to your friends who gotta tell you how awesome and original it is.

Funny how this thread reached so many pages btw.

Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?

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