1-Macro-Miracle Pom Pyro Guide (8.7k instant pyro crit)

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1-Macro-Miracle Pom Pyro Guide (8.7k instant pyro crit)

Post by johnsmith »

Hi all I play a Pom Pyro mage on Sf, been pretty fun so far. It is one of the most skilled classes in TBC so I wanted to make a guide for it I hope you enjoy.


Heavy arcane spec, mostly to get damage buff from Mind Mastery
The rest go fire, get ignite and pyro.

For blastwave and blazing speed fire talents.

Get as much spell damage and crit as you can at first
Then for trinkets youll want serpent coil braid + hex shrunken head or some other sp trinket
Serpent coil braid doesnt share cd with trinkets so you can get extra spell damage
Mind quickening gem is nice if you're casting but if you want the biggest crit just go sp dmg.

Here is my gear armory link: https://www.smolderforge.com/site/armor ... er/2479530
Buffed without trinkets
Buffed with Trinkets
Dmg Log Pyro Crit

Tips and Tricks
For all classes
-if you can get a sheep off, go for the trinkets+pyro-> pom pyro, fireblast, thats your strongest but usually people will try avoid sheep, but if you have enough haste you can even get a pyro in the 5 second dimished return 2nd sheep.
-molten armor for impact procs with molten shields
-Use scorch or arcane missiles, if they counter it, switch to the other one, arcane and fire two different damage schools
-If they are close to death spam arcane explosion, usually you can outdps them with pure spam attacks
-Slow is great vs casters, make sure you always keep it applied
-Sometimes you can pop a few trinks for the graphics, then the person will vanish or clos or ice block or bubble, but then you just wait, and Pom Pyro right after

-Sheep them, they will usually try a clutch shadow word death on you but its easy to avoid. Get some range and charge a pyro, if they trinket already just burst em down and save ice block for their silence. save counterspell for a heal or their shadow tree.
-holy or disc priest just get them down below 50 and hope for pom crits and procs etc

-ret pally just spellsteal their freedom and kite or just sheep them and start a pyro, save iceblock for pyro, trink for repentance, blink for hammer of justice.
-holy or prot pally just get them down below 50 and hope for pom crits and procs etc

-Feral druid just burst and kite, save blink for bear charge and stun, max burst dmg, uninterruptable arcane missiles is good vs all druids.
-Balance druid - Burst dmg them until they run, spellsteal some heals or keep bursting, the only way they can win is usually by running outside of range to heal
-Resto - long battle if they keep healing near 100% but just keep bursting them and try to get them below 50 for a pom

-Enhance/Elem - Whoever can burst faster
-Resto - Same with all healers

-Blink kidney shots
-Spam mana shield
-tough fight, hard to win without lucky crits or procs

-counterspell the spell reflect
-burst and arcane explosion spam

No chance

-Slow them, ice block their burst, burst back

Pom Pyro Macro 1

Code: Select all

/cast Arcane Power
/use Destruction Potion
/use Hex Shrunken Head
/use Mana Emerald
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Pyroblast(Rank 10)
Pom Pyro Macro 2

Code: Select all

/cast Arcane Power
/use Destruction Potion
/use Shifting Naaru Sliver
/use Mana Emerald
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Pyroblast(Rank 10)
Pom->Pyro (If your enemy is too smart you can use only PoM->Pyro to catch them by surprise, because there is no visual graphics to make them ice block or bubble etc)

Code: Select all

/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Pyroblast(Rank 10)
Pom->Sheep (if your enemy is too aggressive)

Code: Select all

/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Polymorph(Rank 4)
Destruction potion has 120 sp dmg and 2% chance to crit but people will rage on you for pot use
Flask of pure death is +80 to shadow fire and frost
Netherweave net to stop people from running

I think that's about it, if anyone else has anything to share please feel free to contribute :) Good luck playing your Pom Pyro mage.
Posts: 785

Re: 1-Macro-Miracle Pom Pyro Guide (8.7k instant pyro crit)

Post by ZatYo »

nice tip to silence yourself vs warriors
Posts: 2

Re: 1-Macro-Miracle Pom Pyro Guide (8.7k instant pyro crit)

Post by Taz »

Thanks for tips RYSO <3 One and only
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