Ailyn's boomlicious (un)balance durid guide leaked
Posted: 13 Mar 2014, 16:57
2day i decided to finally leak my guide about bombkin. it's been in secret for long time and only a few lucky have managed to get access to it, and they have been wrecking havoc in BGs, arenas and duels alike with it. i will finally enlighten you what is truly behind these destructive beasts.
First a little backstory. I've been usuelly pretty bad as a durid, and i have struggled to survive as one. i felt as if the power of nature was simply not in my grasp. i could not muster the true power of nature at that time, and i felt weak, useless, a disgrace to nature.

however; one night i foresaw in a dream about havoc yet to be witnessed by the races of azeroth. during this dreamstate i was enlightened, you could say. i was the doomcaller, the sparkling moon-beast wich everyone feared, wich everyone ran from. it felt like my misery was finally over. i was in control. my call was finally answered. it felt so real. of course, when i woke up, i was very disappointed. but then i started to remember some details from this dream. i dont' usually remember dreams very well. i went on and followed this emerald dream i was in, and followed what it taught me. excitement started flowing through me as i remembered more and more details. i felt as if i could awaken again as the beast i was in my dream, only this time in the very world we live in, azeroth. i finally felt as if i was ready. i already felt powerful, even though i hadn't yet even put my abilities to test. with only vengeance in mind, to break the haunting memories of failure, i stepped into the battlegrounds.

the dream came alive. power and anger seeped through me. i was the fierce moon-beast that disintegrated everything in sight. i was filled with joy, excitement, but also guilt. the merciless slaughtering made me contemplate my actions; is this too much? however i still realized all of this was justified by my past failures, and that i had to prove myself to nature once more. this was my victory. i will be sharing the details with you that helped me become a true force of nature to be reckoned with. i will help you grasp the true power of nature.

you're bars should look similar to this:

you might usually find yourself having anything else than your true powers in your bars. everything else but the foreshown skills are useless and will not help you. with your skills set similarly to this, you can enjoyably whack your keyboard, face, feet or whatever pleases you the most while achieving total destruction. normally it is said that anger won't help you focus at all, but in this way, you can truly RAGE, and be successful. this is how i have been playing durid and this is how i achieved my ultimate score seen above. anger can now be put to good use, and you don't need to be calm, and don't need to focus. you can scream at your opponents, spit at the screen, and smash the keyboard and still be deadly. however, just make sure you don't overheat, as exciting as it might be.

all you need to worry about is haste. the faster you can unleash your wrath, the better. for core items, you should consider two rings of ancient knowledge, and skull of gul'dan. Full haste gems are recommended. this way, you will become a natural machine gun.

That will conclude this guide, hopefully depressed and new durids alike can now finally unleash their true wrath which they were unable to do before. Go shower those who doubt you with the fury of nature, and make THEM be the depressed ones.
Best wishes,
2day i decided to finally leak my guide about bombkin. it's been in secret for long time and only a few lucky have managed to get access to it, and they have been wrecking havoc in BGs, arenas and duels alike with it. i will finally enlighten you what is truly behind these destructive beasts.
First a little backstory. I've been usuelly pretty bad as a durid, and i have struggled to survive as one. i felt as if the power of nature was simply not in my grasp. i could not muster the true power of nature at that time, and i felt weak, useless, a disgrace to nature.

however; one night i foresaw in a dream about havoc yet to be witnessed by the races of azeroth. during this dreamstate i was enlightened, you could say. i was the doomcaller, the sparkling moon-beast wich everyone feared, wich everyone ran from. it felt like my misery was finally over. i was in control. my call was finally answered. it felt so real. of course, when i woke up, i was very disappointed. but then i started to remember some details from this dream. i dont' usually remember dreams very well. i went on and followed this emerald dream i was in, and followed what it taught me. excitement started flowing through me as i remembered more and more details. i felt as if i could awaken again as the beast i was in my dream, only this time in the very world we live in, azeroth. i finally felt as if i was ready. i already felt powerful, even though i hadn't yet even put my abilities to test. with only vengeance in mind, to break the haunting memories of failure, i stepped into the battlegrounds.

the dream came alive. power and anger seeped through me. i was the fierce moon-beast that disintegrated everything in sight. i was filled with joy, excitement, but also guilt. the merciless slaughtering made me contemplate my actions; is this too much? however i still realized all of this was justified by my past failures, and that i had to prove myself to nature once more. this was my victory. i will be sharing the details with you that helped me become a true force of nature to be reckoned with. i will help you grasp the true power of nature.

you're bars should look similar to this:

you might usually find yourself having anything else than your true powers in your bars. everything else but the foreshown skills are useless and will not help you. with your skills set similarly to this, you can enjoyably whack your keyboard, face, feet or whatever pleases you the most while achieving total destruction. normally it is said that anger won't help you focus at all, but in this way, you can truly RAGE, and be successful. this is how i have been playing durid and this is how i achieved my ultimate score seen above. anger can now be put to good use, and you don't need to be calm, and don't need to focus. you can scream at your opponents, spit at the screen, and smash the keyboard and still be deadly. however, just make sure you don't overheat, as exciting as it might be.

all you need to worry about is haste. the faster you can unleash your wrath, the better. for core items, you should consider two rings of ancient knowledge, and skull of gul'dan. Full haste gems are recommended. this way, you will become a natural machine gun.

That will conclude this guide, hopefully depressed and new durids alike can now finally unleash their true wrath which they were unable to do before. Go shower those who doubt you with the fury of nature, and make THEM be the depressed ones.
Best wishes,