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Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 18:05
by Firstaidkit
I returned shortly after a short break and first thing I noticed were some really nice updates so gj on that.
I think it's a good time to remove the free faction transfer to alliance since my return half my guild went ally and I lost 5 bg's in a row yday due to having shitty random noobs playing on horde (I also won a few bg's but got dc'd upon winning trolol).
Would be nice if you could do something about it since the BG's aren't balanced at all and I don't even feel like playing on this server if the bg state stays like this.
Queus are retarded long and when you finally enter a battleground you get a braindead team full of noobs (talking about horde side) while alliance has 5 (different healers standard usually druids and holy pally's) + 3 hunters / mages / locks or warriors and this is like almost every bg you enter as horde not even overreacting. Also a lot of random players on horde side don't play for objectives and only PvP so it's almost impossible to win some BG's as horde.
Would be nice if you could fix this by removing the free faction transfer for now? From what I've seen Alliance is the overpowered faction now and I thought you wanted to create balance.
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 18:22
by Bucovsky
Now we have to wait for you to mention that Henry is obliged to do whatever you want because you donated a lot and you gonna quit.
Let me quote the reasoning once more:
Firstaidkit wrote:I think it's a good time to remove the free faction transfer to alliance since my return half my guild went ally and I lost 5 bg's in a row yday due to having shitty random noobs playing on horde
Would be nice if you could do something about it since the BG's aren't balanced at all and I don't even feel like playing on this server if the bg state stays like this.
I don't even know what to think about it. I just hope that it is some trolling attempt of yours.
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 19:05
by Wacco
Don't be so selfish, Horde has been the winning side for years now, even when I played last Wednesday, I won almost all the time.
See it as a challenge instead, "After all, life is about challenges! Without strong opponents, living isn't fun. It's perfect if I can't win!"
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 19:39
by Bucovsky
Exactly what Wacco said. I thought that the reason of free transfer to alliance was quite clear but it seems you didn't get the point. It was supposed to empower alliance side and it did. It's just sad to see you complaining about it because you, let me quote here, 'lost 5 battlegrounds'.
Also, <Bring me a challenge>. There you go, here's your challenge.
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 19:50
by Buschwacka
Bucovsky wrote:Exactly what Wacco said. I thought that the reason of free transfer to alliance was quite clear but it seems you didn't get the point. It was supposed to empower alliance side and it did. It's just sad to see you complaining about it because you, let me quote here, 'lost 5 battlegrounds'.
Also, <Bring me a challenge>. There you go, here's your challenge.
I guess he can't handle the challange :p
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 01:45
by Firstaidkit
I guess I just had a bad day yesterday cuz today was better, called some guildies and rek'd some alliance. Anyways I was hinting to crossfaction bg's with this thread and also in my opinion it's unfair that only faction change from horde to alliance is free.
I also don't like how a lot of people from my guild betrayed me during my period of inactivity and went alliance that's why my frustation.
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 08:50
by Mayore
yo bucovsky when was the last time u had some potatos?
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 09:38
by Apuclevercow
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 22:26
by Cube
Firstaidkit wrote:I also don't like how a lot of people from my guild betrayed me during my period of inactivity and went alliance that's why my frustation.
Are you for real?
Re: Remove free faction transfer
Posted: 22 Mar 2015, 07:00
by Firstaidkit
the thing I dislike about this server is that they never fix the long queu times and that some people assume that everything I say always happens because that is not the case. also standing in the desert sure is a challenge, battling this heat and the waiting time in the queu. Yesterday I had a 22 minute arathi basin queu then I entered it and got insta disconnected after the disconnect i had to wait another 30 minutes before I got in an Arathi basin that ended within a few minutes.
Really you need to do something about this issue else the bg's and queus will always stay unbalanced... We don't need free faction changes it doesn't create any balance at all.....
I wanna play not wait in the queu line! The queu shouldn't be longer than the actual bg...