Are you ignoring me? Nice customer support for an player that has been active for over 4 years here and has the most playing time. I've helped you out in the past many times with your job or suggestions so the least thing you could do is helping me out for once. I don't ask that much help that I spam you, yes I did send you a total of 2 e-mails, made a topic here and send a PM and text message to you because you are not replying. That's what you get when you don't reply to people they will keep asking you until you do reply. And it's kinda frustrating if you don't get an answer about something so rare and that is so important to me. I know you are busy but it is literally saying yes or no and instead you just don't reply at all.Henhouse wrote:Possible work-around I suppose. I'd like to eventually look into reproducing the old bug and seeing why and where it was actually occurring.Grael wrote:Anzu could be simply added to Sethekk Halls as a regular boss with 1 day spawn time unless Henhouse wants to keep the ability to summon the boss for druids only.
Besides that you've always asked me in the past to send you a screenshot of the premission of the player to transfer an item and this time you didn't even ask me.... Yes I admit that it was wrong to share my account but it wasn't totally my fault. You assumed that I quitted based on what information? You got that information directly from Vum or Feralken himself? And how many times did people quit on this server and returned? A lot of people did one does not simply quit Smolderforge it's an addictive freemium game.
Both you and Vum did not discuss this with me. You made a decision about someone else his account that is not fair. If I wanted to sell my Raven Lord I would have done that myself so that I would get the money and not Vum. Also if I invite you over to play the new Zelda at my place does that mean you can automatically have the game and sell it?
Could you please restore my Raven Lord mount or compensate it with a new mount or something else? Also I don't get why you ignore me for this, I haven't even seen Feralken online on his character nor his alts since I gotten back. So he is an inactive player he won't even notice if you return the mount to his owner. And even if he does he scammed Vum with it so he did not obtained it in a fair matter in the first place.
I would love to donate a lot more to your server, but if you are not going to provide any kind of answer or customer service then I won't be spending a single penny here in the future.
One of your top donators and players,