Stolen Raven Lord Mount

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Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Firstaidkit »

Henhouse wrote:
Grael wrote:Anzu could be simply added to Sethekk Halls as a regular boss with 1 day spawn time unless Henhouse wants to keep the ability to summon the boss for druids only.
Possible work-around I suppose. I'd like to eventually look into reproducing the old bug and seeing why and where it was actually occurring.
Are you ignoring me? Nice customer support for an player that has been active for over 4 years here and has the most playing time. I've helped you out in the past many times with your job or suggestions so the least thing you could do is helping me out for once. I don't ask that much help that I spam you, yes I did send you a total of 2 e-mails, made a topic here and send a PM and text message to you because you are not replying. That's what you get when you don't reply to people they will keep asking you until you do reply. And it's kinda frustrating if you don't get an answer about something so rare and that is so important to me. I know you are busy but it is literally saying yes or no and instead you just don't reply at all.

Besides that you've always asked me in the past to send you a screenshot of the premission of the player to transfer an item and this time you didn't even ask me.... Yes I admit that it was wrong to share my account but it wasn't totally my fault. You assumed that I quitted based on what information? You got that information directly from Vum or Feralken himself? And how many times did people quit on this server and returned? A lot of people did one does not simply quit Smolderforge it's an addictive freemium game.

Both you and Vum did not discuss this with me. You made a decision about someone else his account that is not fair. If I wanted to sell my Raven Lord I would have done that myself so that I would get the money and not Vum. Also if I invite you over to play the new Zelda at my place does that mean you can automatically have the game and sell it?

Could you please restore my Raven Lord mount or compensate it with a new mount or something else? Also I don't get why you ignore me for this, I haven't even seen Feralken online on his character nor his alts since I gotten back. So he is an inactive player he won't even notice if you return the mount to his owner. And even if he does he scammed Vum with it so he did not obtained it in a fair matter in the first place.

I would love to donate a lot more to your server, but if you are not going to provide any kind of answer or customer service then I won't be spending a single penny here in the future.

One of your top donators and players,
Last edited by Firstaidkit on 26 Jan 2015, 21:01, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Deems »

Sense of entitlement is strong in this one.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Firstaidkit »

Could you please stop posting in my topics? I don't like it when you do this. This is directed to the administrator of our server and thus not towards you. You only make fun of me because you hate me.

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Dntryme »

Firstaidkit wrote: about something so rare and that is so important to me.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Firstaidkit »

Yea you can act badass since you already bought your Raven Lord off Rarecandy ;), could I have your Raven Lord then since you aren't playing at all and since you apparantly don't care about it.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Dntryme »

Oh no :<
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Henhouse »

So, I guess I'll discuss all that has happened internally with this since when you first reported it.

From the time you left, I was told by everybody (obviously incorrectly) that you were "gone for good" and you had "given your accounts to Vum". Now, of course, according to policy you cannot GIVE an account away, and you most certainly cannot sell or trade it without it being closed now. However, account sharing is simply too difficult to enforce so we allow it, but strongly recommend users to do not it.

Yes, this was my mistake for allowing the transfer without verifying with you, and I admit that. I should have verified with you since I especially know that you own that account and someone was making a request on your account. However, I had NO idea that you had NOT given permission to Vum, and from what I was aware of, you had left entirely and given your account away -- which still boggled my mind why you would ever allow that in the first place. But obviously, I was fed misinformation.

When the incident got brought up in the staff chat, there was immense rejection of my intention to restore your item, citing our Terms of Service specifically on the quotes mentioning account security being the responsibility of the account holder, which is true. If Vum had deleted items, got your account suspended, etc. that would be on you. However, I do feel that because this was a transfer, that I conducted, and I failed to verify with the account holder that this action was permitted, that I have made a mistake in this regard, and it should be restored. I've not been ignoring you, I've been just waiting to make sure I had fully thought through this incident, mixed with being very busy with school and work.

I don't, however, appreciate the sarcasm and criticism from your end, especially since I tend to be the only one that doesn't go against you in cases like this.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Hartun »

Firstaidkit wrote: I haven't even seen Feralken online on his character nor his alts since I gotten back. So he is an inactive player he won't even notice if you return the mount to his owner
I bet he will.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Sev »

Normally I would say lawyered, but you got turtled by Henhouse
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Awoth wrote:I can confirm that Sev is Awoth.
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Re: Stolen Raven Lord Mount

Post by Firstaidkit »

At that moment I quit (actually took a break of) this server, I had a GF in real life she wouldn't let me play this server because I take this game to seriously when I play it. I guess you noticed that. But I recently broke up with her and I'm still kinda sad about that. I would appreciate it if you could cheer me up by restoring my mount because 2015 has been an awful year for me so far. Everything has gone wrong on work, with my gf, got a ticket etc. I am sorry if I disturbed you during your work, duty and school. You know how fed up I can get by these people on the forum because they always feel the need to troll me.

I thought I could trust Vum since I have been playing with him since almost the start of this server. And I also bought him retail cards, donations, shared my retail account with him and share other private server accounts with him. I thought he could be trusted but I guess I was wrong on that. Therefor I don't trust anyone in this world anymore only my best friend and my family.

I would really appreciate if you could help me out this once and I will promise you that I will never share my account information with anyone else. If you want I could also donate for an Transfer if that is needed and make a small donation to the server for all the trouble and time you wasted on this. I'm sorry for the disturbance and I'm so sorry for all the mistakes I have made here but I really hope you could help me out on this. I would appreciate it a lot. Also excuse me for the sarcasm and critism, I won't be posting negative conclusions anymore without receiving reply from the staff.

P.S. I don't wanna be rude, but I know that most of the people that are part of the GM team dislike me in-game or because of my past and I think they just don't want you to restore my mount because of that and not because I broke the rules.
Last edited by Firstaidkit on 26 Jan 2015, 21:52, edited 1 time in total.
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