Salutations, my dearest community members!
After careful observations of the server and everything that is going on with it we have decided to come with this event due to several reasons:
- 1) The rewards of the GM hosted events suck.
2) We have plenty of battlegrounds and 2v2 arenas plus rewards you can get from.
3) Everything else is childrens play.
- Event Type: 3v3 PvP
Date: 21.09.2014 (Sunday)
Time: 19:00 Server Time
Host(s): Horrorfever & Missangel
Special Assistance: Grael?
The event will take place in Nagrand Arena, located in Nagrand, Outland.

Basicly arena rules, self(class) buffs only and no tryhard items or spells.
- You cannot use any item that gives you buffs such as [Drums of War].
- You can't drink any potions (flasks and elixirs included).
- You cannot use any explosives such as [Frost Grenade].
- Some engineering items such as [Nigh-Invulnerability Belt] cannot be used.
- Any skill with a cooldown greater than 10 minutes cannot be used.
All fights will be completely random, nothing is going to be rigged or set up, and nobody is going to be favored in any way. For the situation I'd like to quote a gurl gamer from another gaming community:
I hate everyone equally.
- The finalists will fight a best of 3 series in order to declare the winner!
- Incase of three teams (not four) waiting to fight for the next round - they will all fight with each other in order to define the winner.
The event has been sponsored and therefore all awards avaidable have been provided by our lovely - Missangel.
- 1st Place: Season 4 (Donor Mall Access) + Unlimited Transmogrification
2nd Place: Season 4 (Donor Mall Access)
3rd Place: Fearless nudes
4th Place: Exclusive Selitha & Sarrah makeout video
5th Place: A date with Henhouse himself
Season 4 (Donor Mall Access)
Get instant access to all Season 4 weapons & gear (and Season 3), non-Kil'Jaeden Sunwell weapons are available for honor, free tabards, huge slot bags, and many vanity items and pets! Unlimited returns via hearth or teleport master.
Awards stand per team member, therefore that means 1st place will receive 3x S4 Codes and 3x Unlimited Mog codes and etc.Unlimited Transmogrification
Access to unlimited transmogging! Never have to worry about tokens or voting. There is no limit on the amount of items or trips to the transmogging NPC, so transmog away!
In order to sign up you have to contact Horrorfever ingame, via mail and therefore write him a letter using the following format:
Code: Select all
To: Horrorfever Subject: 3v3 PvP Event Text Content Below Team Name: Team Captain: Team Members:

For the sake of the element of suprise, teams will not be listed here so nobody will know what he might face when the time comes.
Here's a signed teams count tho'(will be updated constantly):
Sign ups close at Sunday(21.09.2014) - 18.00 Server Time (1 hour before the event starts)!
The event will not happen unless atleast 10 teams sign up!
- For the sake of the well being of event I'd like to hereby ask everyone (spectators and contestants) to calmly wait at the spectator zone (benches above) in Nagrand arena untill they are called down to fight.
- Minor GM assistance may be required in the face of spawning Liron or something like that.
- Thanks to Ptaq for the minor assistance and to Missangel for being awesome like she always is.
Don't be shy to ask anything in here, either!