Our new vendor, Cassandra has just been released but we still have to design a system to redistribute our brand new items among non-arena players community as this vendor is currently for arena only. We would love to see some feedback from PvE and Battleground communities and your suggestions concerning the way the weapons should be implemented and obtained. Some important notes to keep in mind:
- Legendary weapons are not supposed to be easy to obtain
- We want to make players work towards objectives and discourage them from collecting kills in the middle of battlegrounds instead of working towards goals.
- Players shouldn't be able to buy their weapons immediately after implementing the system (which was unfortunately done with arena rewards due to the unexpected delay).
One of the problems is that setting the prices gets complicated because of how prices work. Item's cost has to be determined by ID number set by Blizzard making which makes designing custom systems more complicated, we have to use currencies which were originally set by Blizzard. For those interetested HERE is the list of prices (ID numbers higher than 2570 are not available in 2.4.3).
Here are 3 items worth mentioning which could be used to make tokens for legendary items:
Mark of Illidari
Coilfang Armament
All three can be used to form 1x token prices and are not crucial in our gear system. The chosen one would be wiped from all characters and the way of obtaining it would be adjusted to the legendary weapons.
One of the possibilities could be awarding players who complete their daily battleground quest with some kind of item. When a player reaches a particular number of tokens it is possible to turn them to a special questgiver and be rewarded with the legendary weapon currency. This way would force PvP players to complete their daily battleground quests and fight for the objective. If we take into account that there are just 4 PvP daily quests we exclude the possibility to get the reward in a short period of time and also make it more suitable for those players who do not have all day to play the game.
What do you think? What is your suggestion? Help us to design a suitable system of legendary weapons redistribution!