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Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 19:45
by Feyz
Heya Smolderforge,

as you may know we are working on the new transmogs that will be available for purchase soonâ„¢. :-)
While some of the choices for models are clear (like the glaives, hype) and generally, legendaries;

We are still looking for some models that we haven't decided upon yet, like some daggers, fist weapons, crossbows, but any other suggestion is very welcome.

Because the new transmogs should be special, they should be items that are currently very hard to obtain (like Naxx items) and not available for purchase in the mall.

Also it would be nice if you could voice your opinion on the use of custom models such as
Maiev's Weapon, Magtheridon's spear, etc.

Thanks guys.

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:01
by Mynce
those 2 eaps look fine by me.
And i'm really hoping to see Quel serar.
Btw is it gonna be legendary weapons with s4 stats?
or legendary weapons that can be mogged for any weapon?

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:09
by Henhouse
Mynce wrote:those 2 eaps look fine by me.
And i'm really hoping to see Quel serar.
Btw is it gonna be legendary weapons with s4 stats?
or legendary weapons that can be mogged for any weapon?
Legendary weapons with S4 / SWP stats. They'll contain the exact name of the item they're replicating.

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:18
by Wacco

Is the legendary transmog supposed to have one transmog each category of weapon or what's the overall plan for it? Out of my mind when reading this it feels like the "legendary purpose" can go out of hand. If it will why not do a token so you can choose between a bunch of weapon and make them cool orange, or just add all legendary?

Maybe Im confused due to the hunter range.

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:19
by Henhouse
Some models are great. The Magtheridon one is hilarious, and there is one attack swing animation when you absolutely wreck your nutters:


Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:21
by Boogietroll
All hail the Magtheridon spear <3

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:22
by Feyz
Wacco wrote:Warglaives.

Is the legendary transmog supposed to have one transmog each category of weapon or what's the overall plan for it?
For each top-tier weapon there will be a transmogged version. Each PvP and PvE. Let's say Brutal Gladiator's Slicer and Muramasa are currently mogged to Glaives. :)

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 20:29
by Boogietroll
While you're experimenting with skins, I suggest you also check out the weapon wielded by Terron Gorefiend. It has a very cool and unique model!

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 21:01
by Apuclevercow
Do not make custom items. It'd be really better to get something related to a NPC, not necessary the current transmog NPC, another one could be fine.

Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 21:05
by Abwyz

I really like the idea of putting custom items to use. Teron weapon looks like decent 2H sword for transmog. Maiev weapon fits as Fist weapon and Magtheridon spear as Polearm. As for crossbow this one seems like the only option And dagger could be this one