Is Keas feartheflames?

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Is Keas feartheflames?

Post by Xaru »

Just curious, it's a long-shot but the other day I met a guy I used to know in WoW 5 years ago and he had a different name but it was slightly similar and I asked if he was that guy and it was so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask Keas if he's this guy that I used to know too.

Are you doods working on any different servers like a pre-tbc relaunch or stuff?
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Re: Is Keas feartheflames?

Post by Keas »

World of Warcraft is a huge game with millions of players, you will experience this "similar names" trick many times. However I'm afraid that I'm not the guy you knew, sorry.
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Re: Is Keas feartheflames?

Post by Deems »

Xaru wrote:pre-tbc relaunch or stuff?
Yes pls, waste more time setting up a server that no one will play anyways!
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