Server Events (Info)

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Server Events (Info)

Post by Keas »

Winning 10 events on the same character will reward you with Event Tabard.
What it looks like : link.

Winning 20 events on the same character will reward you with Great Brewfest Kodo.
What it looks like : link.

Total players in our list: 126
Total event wins in our list: 232
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3v3 Event

Post by Keas »

- No consumables (potions, elixirs, scrolls, drums, ...)
- No professions (rocket boots, engineering belt, ...)
- Kitting any kind of boss while the event is ongoing is not allowed.
- No [Greater Rune of Warding] on your chest.
- No oils or stones on your weapon.
- No cooldowns above 10 minutes.
- No BL/Heroism or LoH.
- No eating.
- Drinking allowed.
- First Aid allowed.
- Reviving allowed.
- Mounts allowed.
- Anyone who breaches the arena while the match is ongoing will be frozen and ported back to the spectator zone.
- Players who keep on breaching several times will get their characters suspended for a few hours.
- Spammers will be muted.
- Do not use the /yell function.
- Every spectator/contender is advised to follow these rules.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- Ring of Trials.
- Enthusiastic launch of the fights.
- Spectators Zone with Liron and Ysurian services.
- The field (1) (2).

How does the event go:
- Unlimited number of teams.
- Only 1 healer in every team.
- Players have to relog before that they start to fight.
- The last match has 3 rounds, the winner of 2 wins.
- Matches are randomly chosen.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 35 Badges of Justice.
- 35'000 Honor.
- 2 Transmogrification Token.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
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Lucky Fall Event

Post by Keas »

- Only 1 noggenfogger use each jump.
- Mounts allowed.
- Outsiders who cause danger for the jumpers will be frozen.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
New location - New screenshots will be posted soon 2017-22-01.

How does the event go:
- Anyone can play, there is no limit for the number of contenders.
- Random players will be summoned on these small things in order to jump.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 8 Badges of Justice.
- 5000 Honor.
- 2 Transmogrification Token.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
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Lucky Pirate Event

Post by Keas »

- 22 players get to play only.
- Only 1 Savory buff each time.
- Outsiders should not purge the GMs vision from the players who're getting morphed Ninja/Pirate.
- Only the contenders inside the circle, otherwise you'll be frozen.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- An island in Nagrand.
- Simple environment.
- Liron services.

How does the event go:
- Each of the contenders should take their seats.
- Spectators stay outside of the circle.
- You will be all frozen and when your turn comes, you'll be unfrozen and given the Savory item in order to use it and try your luck.
- No second chances, it's a luck event.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 8 Badges of Justice.
- 5000 Honor.
- 2 Transmogrification Token.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
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Alliance vs Horde Events

Post by Keas »

1- Dam Battle

- All consumables allowed.
- Resurrections allowed.
- You will not be able to join back if you die and release.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- Stonewrought Damn.
- Horde base.
- Alliance base.
- One way. Many objects.

How does the event go:
- Faction war between the Hordes and the Alliance.
- Anyone can join his faction and defend it.
- The number of contenders will be rising on both sides until there are 20 total players.
- Each faction needs to push the enemy factions off the dam in order to dominate and win.

The fight's win would just be dependent on which team has more power to push the other team back to their base without the ability to regenerate. Healers are necessary in this battle to make it as long as possible. There are LOS objects located on the dam which makes the battle less vulnerable to the PvE caster influence.

Beta testers: Vyoh, Rzz, Buschwacka & Zirong.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 50 Badges of Justice.
- 45'000 Honor.
- 4 Transmogrification Tokens.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
- - - - - - - -

2- Island Battle

- All consumables allowed.
- Resurrections allowed.
- You will not be able to join back if you die and release.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- The Fray Island.
- Hordes air strike.
- Alliance naval attack.
- Warlike environment.
- The Chambers of Buffs.

How does the event go:
- Faction war between the Hordes and the Alliance.
- Anyone can join his faction and defend it.
- The number of contenders will be rising on both sides until there are 20 total players.
- The Horde players will be jumping from an incredibly high Zeppelin and launch their attack on the Fray Island.
- The Alliance players will jumping off their defended battle ship and aiming to take their places before that the Hordes reach the island.
- Beware of fire traps & frost traps at some points.
- The event ends upon a faction's total annihilation.

The main mission of each faction is to reach the island as fast as possible. The faster you reach it, the more stable you'll be before your enemies come. At first, the Alliance will be based in their ship and the Hordes in their Zeppelin. Each faction will have its very own way to reach the island.

There will also be a Game Master in every raid group of the two factions. The main reason for that is the extra buffs system: There are restoration and berserk buffs in each of the chambers of buffs. However, these chambers are locked until one of the players in your team finds a treasure and calls upon the Game Master in his team to open the chambers gates. But who knows about the traps, you might cause an explosion once you reach the treasure..

Beta testers: Vyoh, Alessandra, Wrash & Kevvina.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 50 Badges of Justice.
- 45'000 Honor.
- 4 Transmogrification Tokens.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
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Raid The Base Event

Post by Keas »


- All consumables allowed.
- Resurrections allowed.
- If you die, you will be instantly revived by a GM. The revive costs 10 seconds. And the amount of revives will be precisely counted in the database then multiplied by the times used.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- Horde base. The Alliance spies were slaughtered before getting any idea on what's behind that smoke.
- You can never know what's behind the enemy lines (Hordes) (Alliance).
- Traps, mortars, catapults and cannons.
- Are you ready to defend the beauty of your empire, or will you let it burn?
- Do not doubt in your enemy's defences (Hordes) (Alliance).
*We cannot share any more detailed screenshots inside the outposts because each team should be surprised with what mobs and strength they will be facing.

How does the event go:
- Faction war between the Hordes and the Alliance.
- Anyone can join his faction's team and attack the other faction's outpost.
- The number of contenders will be rising on both sides until there are 20 total players.
- Each faction team needs to annihilate the enemy outpost as fast as possible and before the other team. It's kind of a race against the clock and the other team to kill the four bosses of your enemy faction.

This PvE event is mainly focused on raiding the other faction's major governors or rulers. The all known bosses from your faction will be relying on you to defeat the other outpost as fast as possible. The team who's capable of breaching and killing all of the four bosses of the enemy faction faster wins everything! You will be summoned and regrouped at the starting zone, you will get yourselves ready and once both teams are ready, you will start your invasion. Bosses gates will open in the same order for both factions, keeping the main and last boss till the end with far more reinforcements and ways to kill you. You can release and run back to your team, however it would take almost a minute to reach it. In other words, it's really a slower invasion for your team: More time, less chances to win. Good luck protectors.

Beta testers: Ynck, Vyoh, Pyrendora, Manabreak, Illpwnu, Krig, Htt and Hypes.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 50 Badges of Justice.
- 45'000 Honor.
- 6 Transmogrification Token.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
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Treasure Hunter Event

Post by Keas »


- Only one person at a time, can win the event. (No teamwork & team wins)
- PvP is allowed.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

- It can be anywhere and at any time. Once you type .JoinEvent you will be teleported to that specific area where the treasure is hidden.

How does the event go:
- A treasure will be hidden in a chosen area.
- The area will be revealed once the event starts and you will be summoned there.
- Every player stands by himself, no teamwork cause there will be only 1 winner.
- PvP is allowed wherever the treasure was hidden.
- It won't be a treasure box, it can be many valuable things, Dwarves won't have any advantages.
- The first person to find the hidden treasure wins.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 50 Badges of Justice.
- 45'000 Honor.
- 6 Transmogrification Token.
- The winner of five events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
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Re: Server Events (Info)

Post by Keas »

- Only class buffs.
- No consumables (potions, elixirs, scrolls, drums, ...)
- No professions (rocket boots, engineering belt, ...)
- Healthstones allowed for Warlocks only.
- No Greater Rune of Warding on your chest.
- No oils or stones on your weapon.
- No mounts.
- No cooldowns above 10 minutes.
- No BL/Heroism, Recklessness, Preparation or LoH.
- No group auras (Leader of the Pack, ...)
- No healers (also no dreamstate druid)
- Shockadins may either heal or use their bubble.
- Drinking is allowed to everyone.
- Eating is allowed only to mages (their own food/spell)
- First Aid allowed.
- You cannot win-trade and/or allow your friends to win in any unfair and/or unchallenging way.
- Anyone who breaches the arena while the match is ongoing will suffer consequences.
- Players who keep on breaching several times will get their characters suspended.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- Gurubashi.
- The glorious winners' monument.
- Enthusiastic environment.
- Spectators area.
- Free beer for everyone!
- Liron & Ysurian to assist our spectators.

How does the event go:
- The last match has 3 rounds, the winner of 2 wins.
- Matches are randomly chosen.
- Some players could instantly proceed to other rounds if the number of contenders isn't pair.

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 40 Badges of Justice.
- 6 Weapon Fragments.
- 40'000 Honor.
- 4 Transmogrification Token.
- The winner of ten events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
- The winner of twenty events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with a special mount.
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Re: Server Events (Info)

Post by Keas »

Race Event

- No spell use.
- No buffs.
- No auras.
- No head and feet armor.
- No aspects.
- Only the W (or any button that makes you go forward and actually race) and the Space (or any button that makes you jump over objects).

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:
- Thousand Needles.
- Starting line (Including the flare, sexy girl & the tough announcements guy).
- Speed decelerators.
- Objects to jump over.
- Finish line.

How does the event go:
- Any number of contenders that can be divided by 5.
- 5 players at a time will be unfrozen and asked to unlearn their talents.
- The 5 players will be morphed to a racing goblin & his car.
- Your speed will be modified therefore any speed buff you use or take on the track will make you lose.
- Every lap, the last racer is eliminated. Until 1 racer survives.
- The final race is always recorded for enough proof about the winner!

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 12 Badges of Justice.
- 8000 Honor.
- 2 Weapon Fragments.
- 4 Transmogrification Tokens.
- The winner of ten events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with the Events Tabard.
- The winner of twenty events, consecutive or not, will be rewarded with a special mount.
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Re: Server Events (Info)

Post by Keas »

Strategic Faction War: Alliance heroes vs Horde heroes

- No consumables (potions, elixirs, scrolls, drums, ...)
- No professions (rocket boots, engineering belt, ...)
- No [Greater Rune of Warding] on your chest.
- No oils or stones on your weapon.
- No eating.
- Only mages can drink.
- First Aid allowed.
- Jumping inside the arena, attempting to disrupt the event or bothering the Game Master hosting the event could result in a mute, freeze or suspension.
- Spammers will be muted.
- Do not use the /yell function.
- Every spectator/contender is advised to follow these rules.

How to join the events:
Once the events organizer launches the event. Please use the two easy steps bellow:
- Say (/say) " .JoinEvent " (Without the quotes)
- Wait till the queue is full.
- Once a pop-up summon is visible, accept the summon and start the event.

READ: By joining any event, scheduled or not & made in-game by any staff member, you agree to respect the rules listed above, to take full responsibility of your actions and to accept the consequences if any of these rules weren't respected by any of your characters related or not to your IP and/or main account whether notified or not in-game. Which are mainly a character and/or account and/or IP suspension for X days. A mute for Y minutes. Or a simple disqualification. (Updated on 10/8/2014)

Location screenshots:

How does the event go:
- A Horde team of 10 is formed.
- An Alliance team of 10 is formed.
- 1 Horde captain and 1 Alliance captain are chosen by their respective teams.
- Each captain will whisper the GM a name of the person they chose to duel and represent their faction.
- The 2 names will face each others, they might be counters, they might not.
- Each teammate can fight only once, therefore the captains must choose wisely.
- The captains have other powers, read below.

Captain powers:
- The captains can scout the enemy team 2 times in the whole event.
....They must remember the enemy team composition for better chances of winning.
- Each captain can pick 1 spell (any spell) from the enemy team and disallow it (i.e: No bubble).
....If Less Healeing was chosen, Greater Healing can still be used. Etc.
- Whoever fights cannot fight again.
- The first team to reach the score of 10 wins (or equivalent domination, like 6-2)

You can choose one of the following rewards on any of your characters:
- 30 Badges of Justice.
- 40'000 Honor.
- 5 Transmogrification Token.
- 10 Weapon Fragments.
Retired Game Master.

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