Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 18:34
Guys i know that the donate must be with card.Im very small for a card and my fathera and my mother dont want to pay for items.Is it possible to use SMS for donating?
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Henhouse wrote: We've looked into mobile carriers and they're simply horrible and not something we want to offer. The only good services require you to apply to become a partner and they are not going to accept WoW private servers.
Carriers keep ~50% of the fee, then the service provider keeps a fee, and then you get the donation and blablabla. So $5 donations would have to be like $15 for it to even be worth it. Some make you pay monthly fees to use their service, some make you only be able to withdraw YOUR money if you have 1000+ euros (not lying). Paypal is trusted everywhere, we prefer to use it. We're going to be dropping Payza soon.
- Henhouse, ... 343#p40343
Feyz wrote:Sorry, we're not.
Additionally, it might be a good idea to listen to your parents.
send me msg if u still want codes.zixxthbg wrote:Guys i know that the donate must be with card.Im very small for a card and my fathera and my mother dont want to pay for items.Is it possible to use SMS for donating?