GM Applications & Requirements

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GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Henhouse »

Notice: We are now only accepting GM applications sent via email. Anyone who previously applied is welcome to reapply. We reset the thread in order to enforce the new email-submission based applications.

Listed below is the application form and requirements to apply for staff on Smolderforge. All the requirements must be met in order to be able to apply. Please be completely honest in your applications, we will know usually if things are falsified or just attempting to get hired. We hire very selectively. If you are accepted we will contact you.

Why would I want to work for Smolderforge?
- While working for Smolderforge is a complete voluntary job, it does have some unique perks. You work your own hours, get to know the staff, have an inside knowledge of the going-ons and things in the development pipeline. You also directly contribute to keeping Smolderforge stay clean and safe. Then, of course, there is the usual GM-perk of being able to explore all aspects of the game and its hidden maps and secrets which is fun!.

GMing at Smolderforge should be fun. If at any point you feel it has become a burden on you, you are more than welcome to take a step back. Of course, there are times where it will be stressful given the nature of moderating. As a GM you will have guidelines and rules you must follow. You are an essential part of the community. The face representing the server, and a liaison between players and staff.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You must have NO major account infractions. Meaning no severe suspensions and/or account closures.
  • You must have at least 5 days (total) of game time play on Smolderforge.
  • You must be fluent in English (competently able to write and speak). Other languages in addition to English are a plus!
  • You must have a positive attitude and be able to remain cool and neutral in stressful situations, and be able to take constructive criticism.
  • You need to have a basic understanding how commands work on private servers.
  • You need to have access to Discord and be online often enough for us to communicate with you.
  • You will be willing to abide by the Game Master CoC(Code of Conduct) which sets the rules and guidelines for being on our staff. The GM CoC is pasted at an external page located here.

Application Form: (This is what you fill out)
  • What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
  • How old are you:
  • What country do you live in:
  • Other languages fluent in besides English:
  • If so, how well:
  • Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
  • Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
  • When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
  • How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
  • Do you work well with others or are you better independent?
  • What experience with retail WoW do you have?
  • What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
  • Any additional comments you would like to add?
To apply, please email your application to [email protected]. If you have any questions feel free to email that address to ask any questions.

Notice: Please do not contact us asking about if we've accepted your application. We will contact you if we accept it and schedule you for an interview. We will not contact you if your application was rejected. We typically hire in waves so your application is always open to consideration, we will review the applications that have been submitted, see if player is still active, and send out invites if we have a need for more GMs.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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