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Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 20:07
by Cube
On the off chance that someone here might have run into someone else at some point during retail, where did you play?

Most of my time was spent on Deathwing eu. Was in Suicide Squad during vanilla, which later became Censured Squad in tbc, which later reformed as Core Fusion (iirc). After that I was in Kirai until I dropped the game before wrath. Came back during the late stages of wrath and joined Quando Omni, which later faction changed and merged with Wife Swap USA after s8.

Was also a member of Many Whelps on Tarren Mill eu during vanilla. Other than that, there's nothing worth mentioning.

99% sure that no one around here played on said realms, but there might be others who ran into each other at one point of another.

So, where did people play?

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 20:50
by Slys
I played on Bladefist EU from vanilla-Wotlk :-)

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 20:54
by Terrion
Thunderlord in vanilla, transferred to Lightning's Blade in tbc (US)

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:08
by Henhouse
Smolderthorn US from start of 2007 to 2009. (Wonder where SF got its name inspiration :o)

Frostmane US from 2009-2012

Quel'Dorei US 2012

Arthas US from 2012-present

I don't really play retail anymore so the last 2 server moves have been somewhat pointless.

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:53
by Boogietroll
I started off as a gnome on Shadowsong EU from the beginning of tbc and most of wotlk. I later changed to Auchindoun from late cata - early mop.

I used to be in the guilds Wrath of Wisdom and Curse on shadowsong. I didn't really raid on Auchindoun.

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:53
by Balls
Al'Akir, Stormreaver, Chromaggus

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 00:10
by Firstaidkit
Burning Steppes, Frostmane

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 07:44
by Vicarious
Black Dragonflight from vanilla until mid WotLK, then I switched to Detheroc. Was in a random raiding guild for a little bit, think the name was Cynical.

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 09:25
by kunngen
Dunemaul US in guilds Kingsguard, Eve of Serenity n Shinigami (MC to NaXX days)

Tauren Mill EU bought a char in Nihilum to play for a few months after ridding of my pretbc.acct. They gkicked me a. Week later for not raiding hardcore.

Never went past TBC haha. Tried 3.3.5 for short while. Haven't touched retail in over 4 yr and been on smolderforge only.

Re: Where did you play on retail?

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 17:51
by rohidin
I start on Colinas Pardas EU, from Tbc to Wotlk with Tauren Hunter