One does not simply quit Smolderforge

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One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Xaru »

After making yet another thread about him quitting Smolderforge, Osiris again comes back after only a few days hiatus. Claiming to be "playing before he goes to work", he then changes his story to say that he is back because his irl friends and co-workers want to play with him. Indeed, Osiris is in denial about his addiction to World of Warcraft. :(
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Mayore »

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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Osiriis »

lawls i do go to work at 11:30 to 6pm at $15 an hour so ya if i want to kill some bads before work starts i can lol

i find it funny coming from a guy who asks for a girlfriend over WoW and has no $$$$$

like i said i have alot of IRL who r coming to the server in an attempt to get rid of all the low IQ braindead idiots like you Xaru.

i am a Gamer to the Heart and always will be. i cant deny that i love to play games but i also love to worjk and make that $$$$ sorry u live in a world where u cant understand the value of a Dollar.

Xaru one day u find a female dumb enough to have sex with you until than ur personality will always be that of 3rd grade kid mad cause ive farmed u so many times in arena

and just for proof of that ill relink this video ---- Farmed him 3 times in this video so yeah i guess he never got over it
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Xaru »

It's true that I've lost to you in arena a couple of times but I don't take arena seriously, I was playing with random teammates as a Shockadin with no PvP trinket while you had a Druid/Rogue or Rogue/Priest combination. I'm not mad about losing to you, it's embarrassing, sure, but I made this thread because I found it hilarious that you've made two or three threads claiming that you're quitting for good and then you come back after only a couple of days.

Also, here's proof from today that Osiris is a coward. I challenged him to a duel after he talked trash to me and then he said he would own me as his SP because he knows he would lose yet again on his Rogue, he thought I wouldn't accept since SP counters me but when I accept he suddenly has to go to work. -_-

Last edited by Xaru on 26 Aug 2013, 00:51, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Deems »

Osiriis wrote:but i also love to worjk and make that $$$$
dat $$, $15/h rofl
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Wacco »

Your salary is a joke.
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Osiriis »

wacco i guess ur an idiot cause hourly and salary r different things - learn to read

and to xaru im at work right now making $$$ while ur looking for an internet girlfriend lawls

and its funny Xaru on thursday i have a day off we can duel all day if ud like and i can fight u on my spriest ,mage,or rogue ur choice it doesnt matter to me honestly cause ur just a PvE geared noob that loses in arena to everyone and complains that u have no trinket when wasnt it ur choice not to equip it?

i mean surely if ur going into arena wouldnt u want to equip the best trinket for pvp???? oh thats right ur an idiot i forgot lol

and here in Florida $15 an hour is awesome considering living wage is only $10 an hour so do some research on the US economy before u judge someone lol i make alot of money for my needs so dont be jelly :) and plus i dont lie on the internet and say i make $30 an hour lol cause thd be a lie ands im not a lier i guess its part of being a Real American
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Apuclevercow »

For God sake, tell us for are trying to troll.
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Peekaboo »

Osiriis wrote:Real American
Stop discriminating the USA, not everyone there is dumb.
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Re: One does not simply quit Smolderforge

Post by Laati »

Osiris, never hate those people who are jealous of you but respect their jealousy because they are the ones who think that you are better than them.

Learn to forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them more.

I'm on haters mind, and I'm flattered <3

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