Lets discuss this once and for all
Lets discuss this once and for all
Ever since the HK cap got removed GY farmin has been growing again like mad.
Personally i've just had it with the GY farmin on both sides.
It is not the cause of 1 guild or 2 players this is an server related issue cuz as of how it stands now:
Newbies who log on for the first time do not only have to have to wait 20 min for a que
they now also got to deal with being farmed in there first bg on the server.
If that were to happen to me i would likely quit the serv
and i think allot of ppl agree on this.
Gy farmin or in general HK farmin has been ruining the server and i think we need to discuss a definitive solution.
And please dont come with stuff like "this has been a continueus problem on every server even on retail"
i personally think thats bullcrap since if things really are starting to get out of hand ( like how its been going recently).
Then you could always disable Hk's gains in general for the serv for example
feel free to put in some of your own ideas but i think that if action does not get undertaken then people will get sick of it at one point.
Personally i've just had it with the GY farmin on both sides.
It is not the cause of 1 guild or 2 players this is an server related issue cuz as of how it stands now:
Newbies who log on for the first time do not only have to have to wait 20 min for a que
they now also got to deal with being farmed in there first bg on the server.
If that were to happen to me i would likely quit the serv
and i think allot of ppl agree on this.
Gy farmin or in general HK farmin has been ruining the server and i think we need to discuss a definitive solution.
And please dont come with stuff like "this has been a continueus problem on every server even on retail"
i personally think thats bullcrap since if things really are starting to get out of hand ( like how its been going recently).
Then you could always disable Hk's gains in general for the serv for example
feel free to put in some of your own ideas but i think that if action does not get undertaken then people will get sick of it at one point.
Peace and serenity :
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
A lot of people were in favor of raising the HK cap. Since neither party has reached 250,000, but are close, perhaps we should just cap it there? I can go back to resetting to 250k since it may prevent a "server first 250k". But, you're right. It was a bad call to remove the cap. I honestly just thought it would affect the players, and let them play more. I did not expect the whole guild wars of farming to begin again. We can't let that continue.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
I agree, my motivation to solopvping = 0. A few days ago i logged on my allychar, queued WSG and what did we see there? A castercleave and all what they did was farming HK's, running around in an pack and oneshooting every1. 5mins later I presst just alt+f4 and logged on my hordechar. But that wasnt better I had to fight against an Passion premade with I think they were 4-5 balancedruids and 1 restodruid.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Henhouse wrote:A lot of people were in favor of raising the HK cap. Since neither party has reached 250,000, but are close, perhaps we should just cap it there? I can go back to resetting to 250k since it may prevent a "server first 250k". But, you're right. It was a bad call to remove the cap. I honestly just thought it would affect the players, and let them play more. I did not expect the whole guild wars of farming to begin again. We can't let that continue.
Thoose guilds make the server what it is.
If you want to play with the big boys, you better man the fuck up. (Even though most of them are kids)
We had it this way when the HUGE inflation of players came to SF and this might be the only reason they came? I view these pvp_battles as a raiding guild, raiding for HKs.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
That's the dumbest shit I've heard in quite a while. Would this make it fun for players who dislike hk/gy farming? What?Deceitx wrote:If you can't beat them, join them.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Put two queue NPC-s , one for "newfags" with disabled group queue on all bgs , and the second for "pros" with group queueing . Then on the "pros" NPC implement a special revard , like 1k hks for a WON bg. That will make them play for objectives, and render HKS-farming and hks obsolete, through easy obteainability.
Now as for long queues go , enable cros faction battlegrounds , i saw it done wonders for other servers.
Here all problems solved !
Note: I obtained 32k hks trough regular farming, and not some faggy bg prise . Thus as a respected member of this server , my message to all incoming newfags in the future is : "I am better than you , allways was , and always will be, deal with it or cry me a river "...
I did't spell check, fuck it .
Now as for long queues go , enable cros faction battlegrounds , i saw it done wonders for other servers.
Here all problems solved !
Note: I obtained 32k hks trough regular farming, and not some faggy bg prise . Thus as a respected member of this server , my message to all incoming newfags in the future is : "I am better than you , allways was , and always will be, deal with it or cry me a river "...
I did't spell check, fuck it .
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Holly shit , give this man MVP !Gandraman wrote:Put two queue NPC-s , one for "newfags" with disabled group queue on all bgs , and the second for "pros" with group queueing . Then on the "pros" NPC implement a special revard , like 1k hks for a WON bg. That will make them play for objectives, and render HKS-farming and hks obsolete, through easy obteainability.
Now as for long queues go , enable cros faction battlegrounds , i saw it done wonders for other servers.
Here all problems solved !
Note: I obtained 32k hks trough regular farming, and not some faggy bg prise . Thus as a respected member of this server , my message to all incoming newfags in the future is : "I am better than you , allways was , and always will be, deal with it or cry me a river "...
I did't spell check, fuck it .
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
then how about makin a 2nd que only for premades?
because not everyone wants to play to be the nr.1 guild or player with the most hk's
some just want casual fun
because not everyone wants to play to be the nr.1 guild or player with the most hk's
some just want casual fun
Peace and serenity :
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http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=8012
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Stop stealing my shit bitch !Mynce wrote:then how about makin a 2nd que only for premades?
because not everyone wants to play to be the nr.1 guild or player with the most hk's
some just want casual fun
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
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