A few questions before I start playing here

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A few questions before I start playing here

Post by Bedman »

Hey guys, I'm thinking of moving here. But before I do, I need some questions answered :)

1. What's the current population (active population)? How many people are online on Horde side/Alliance side everyday?

2. Can you donate for full s4?

3. How often do server DCs happen?

4. Can anyone assist me with the settings of the realmlist?

5. Which faction should I choose?
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Post by Awoth »

Bedman wrote:Hey guys, I'm thinking of moving here. But before I do, I need some questions answered :)

1. What's the current population (active population)? How many people are online on Horde side/Alliance side everyday?

2. Can you donate for full s4?

3. How often do server DCs happen?

4. Can anyone assist me with the settings of the realmlist?

5. Which faction should I choose?
1.) 250-350

2.) http://www.smolderforge.com/donate

3.) We are currently experiencing some problems with Alterac Valley, so you can expect atleast one disconnect every day.

4.) Open the realmlist with notepad and type:

Code: Select all

set realmlist connect.smolderforge.com

save as

Code: Select all

5.) There is no difference between horde and alliance.
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Re: A few questions before I start playing here

Post by Lightup »

1. What's the current population (active population)? How many people are online on Horde side/Alliance side everyday?
Theres more Hordes playing, and its more then 200 online most of the time.

2. Can you donate for full s4?
Yes, 5$

3. How often do server DCs happen?
Depends, but mostly once a day bc of AV

4. Can anyone assist me with the settings of the realmlist?
set realmlist connect.smolderforge.com

5. Which faction should I choose?
Alliance, Horde has more players.
Posts: 16

Re: A few questions before I start playing here

Post by 2ss »

It seems like it starts lagging at 210+ players online and dces, when it hits about 300+ players :o
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Re: A few questions before I start playing here

Post by Akeno »

2ss wrote:It seems like it starts lagging at 210+ players online and dces, when it hits about 300+ players :o
How could you Remi >.> That's a lie ! Trust me pal.
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